Kerrisdale Annex Dance-a-Thon Raises Money for Rick Hansen Foundation
In January of this year, Kerrisdale Annex Grade 3 student Mandalay Roberge decided to do an independent project. She wanted to do a dance-a-thon to fundraise for the Rick Hansen Foundation. After three and half months of hard work, she pulled together a fantastic event which saw the entire school (students and staff) dancing for 25 minutes to mark the 25 year anniversary of Hansen's Man-in-Motion journey.
The entire event was a smashing success and was capped off by an impromptu visit by the "man in motion" himself. Hansen dropped by to accept a large cheque of $375 from Roberge and her friends and groove with the school as they danced the minutes away.
Click on the image below to check out our Flickr album for more photos.