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Point Grey Mini School Students Excel at the Commonwealth Essay Competition

The Commonwealth Essay Competition is an annual event which is open to students from across British Columbia in both public and private schools. Every year, all students at Point Grey Mini School, from Grades 8 - 11 write the essays, with the top essays from each class being submitted to the competition. Students from Point Grey Mini School have traditionally done very well, and this year was no exception, with eight of the top fifteen prizes going to the Point Grey mini Students.

The Royal Commonwealth Society held its annual Commonwealth Day celebration on March 9, a celebration which included awarding prizes to the essay competition winners.

Point Grey teacher Kelly Patrick says particular congratulations need to go to Grade 11 students Alan Chen (first prize), Vlad Krakov (second prize), Kenrick Tse (third prize), Natalia Aroca-Ouellette (honourable mention) for Class A. Meanwhile, for class B Grade 10 students Thomas Broatch and Teresa Zhu won first and second prize respectively, and Grade 9 student Leah Bishop received honourable mention. Grade 8 student Ben Horodyski won second prize in Class C. 

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