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Students from Churchill, Kitsilano and Trafalgar Schools Win Top Awards At Provincial French Public Speaking Competition

10,000 students from across British Columbia competed, 285 made the provincial finals, and five students from Vancouver took home top awards in this year's pan-provincial French public speaking competition, Concours d'art oratoire

"In addition to the cultural and language benefits, Concours d'art oratoire helps students develop their creative and public speaking abilities, as well as self-confidence," said Patti Holm, President of Canadian Parents for French BC & Yukon. 

This year marked the 31st anniversary of the Canadian Parents for French BC & Yukon sponsored Concours d'art oratoire. The provincial finals were hosted Saturday, May 3rd at SFU Surrey.

"It's an incredible feat to make it to the Provincial finals -- taking home a medal is a real achievement. We congratulate everyone who participated; they are all winners. F�licitations!" added Concours d'art oratoire chief judge, Dr. Ren�e Hamilton-Clark.

The 2014 Provincial finalists from VSB schools included: 

Emily Froese - Grade 10 Immersion - Les l�gendes urbaines - Chuchill Secondary
Kristi Lichimo - Grade 9 Immersion - L'Orchestre Recycl� - Kitsilano Secondary
Yunyi Huang - Grade 12 Francophone - L'aide m�dicale à mourir - Churchill Secondary
Ben Thompson - Grade 6 Early Immersion - Oskar Schindler - Trafalgar Elementary
Ren�e Christianson - Grade 7 Early Immersion - Comment McDonald's change le monde - Trafalgar Elementary

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