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Hamber Students Organize Aboriginal Awareness Afternoon

The First Nations Studies12 class at Eric Hamber Secondary recently organized and held a very successful Aboriginal Awareness Afternoon for hundreds of students across the district.

Musqueam Elders opened the event, and the afternoon included PowWow dancer Shyama-Priya, Lil'Wat Nation hoop dancer Alex Wells, and a presentation from Ernie Crey from the Sto:Lo Nation. Crey is an advocate for missing and murdered Aboriginal women and he spoke about his personal experience as his sister Dawn's remains were found on the Pickton Farm.

Faceless Dolls
On display were the 1,017 felt dolls for the Faceless Doll Project, which had been made by the First Nations Studies 12 and Total Ed classes. These faceless dolls represent the 1,017 murdered Aboriginal women in Canada. The project, originated by artist Gloria Larocque and the Native Women's Association of Canada, works to turn each statistic into a story.

"We feel it's an extremely important subject to spread awareness to others regarding this Human Rights issue," says Deborah Bell, VSB Aboriginal Education Enhancement Worker. "It's more understandable for students to realize these women are not just faceless and deserve to be remembered. They are people who are loved by family and friends. The faceless dolls represent the Aboriginal Women who have become the 'faceless' victims of crime."

Click on the image below to check out our Flickr album for more photos.

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