Communicating Student Learning

Traditionally, the accepted standard of reporting to parents has been three formal report cards that are written by a classroom teacher with inserts included for students receiving English as an additional language and/or resource support. These reports also include two other conference times which could be: parent -teacher conferences; three-way conferences with the parent, child and teacher; and student led conferences with the parent and child. These reporting opportunities have also been summative in nature and the teacher provides information about grades or achievement to date. In some cases, the student had an opportunity to share some information.
The current curriculum in British Columbia puts the student front and centre. The core competencies (communication skills, creative and critical thinking, as well as personal and social identity and responsibility) are the focal points. The difference is the shift of the spotlight from mastery of curriculum content to teaching what many pedagogical experts refer to as "the four C's" – critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity.
You may have noticed differences in reporting at Seymour Elementary the past few years as teachers more fully involve students in:
· asking big questions
· problem solving
· developing a plan to find answers
· communicating their learning to their peers and their families
· assessing their work
· planning for what the next steps in their learning will be
The Ministry of Education has a deadline for implementing new reporting processes throughout British Columbia for September 2019. Five communications with parents and guardians will continue. Many teachers will be exploring optional ways to provide a more comprehensive picture of student learning this year. This will include:
Two formal report cards using the template designed by the Vancouver School Board called Communicating Student Learning (CSL) reports. These reports will go home with information that focuses on growth, student learning, and student voice. They will not include letter grades. The will include inserts from Resource teachers, Individual Education Plan updates, and English language learning reports.
Report #1 goes home in January 2023
Report #2 goes home in June 2023
Two conferences times with parents and communicated by the classroom teacher.
September 28th and 29th – 2 pm dismissal
March 1st and 2nd – 2 pm dismissal
Additional opportunities that your classroom and resource teacher(s) may select to report learning may include:
· Celebration of Learning – Students share process and the learning with family
· Student self and peer evaluation
· Phone calls home reporting on student achievement
· Journals or emails reporting on student achievement
· Sharing of portfolios created and stored in the classroom
Teachers will be customizing what reporting will look like in their classroom and communicating this information to families.