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Book Fair!

Book Fair

Kerrisdale School is excited to present the in-person Scholastic Book Fair in the Library from Monday March 6th to Friday March 10thThis is an exciting time as it has been a tradition at Kerrisdale and many students enjoy the many new books in French and English that the book fair will display. This Book Fair provides Kerrisdale an opportunity to bring families, teachers, students, and books together while returning a portion of the profit to the school. (This is how we purchased our eBooks 5 years ago and how we continue to increase our online collection)! It’s a good way to raise funds while encouraging our students to read! 


We are looking for parent volunteers that help us sell books and are willing to commit of the at any of the time slots from 8:30-am 9:00am, 10:45am to 1:15pm (busiest time) and 3:00-3:30pm We also need parents to help with the set up and pick up of the fair on Friday March 3rd and 10th from 1:00pm-3:00pm If you are interested in volunteering, please email Mme. Bonilla at 

Books make great presents. If you would like books to be put aside discreetly, to pick up before the Fair ends, just slip a note to us or tell one of the volunteers at the checkout. We will set up a Wish List for the teachers where you can purchase books for their classroom. Book plates provided! 

Scholastic Book Fair hours: Monday and Thursday 8:30-3:30pm, and Friday from 8:30am-1:00pm. 

Note that some classes will come twice to the fair, once to explore and the next one to purchase. Other students can come during recess or lunch.  

Payment: We accept cash, cheque (made out to Kerrisdale Elementary), or credit card. Please send students with small bills or quarters, loonies, toonies! 

Sold out books: Most of the books can be reordered should we run out of stock at the fair. Your child will receive them the following week after the book fair ends. 


Looking forward to bringing the community together! 

Mme. Bonilla 

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