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The Cave

Welcome to the Cave

Welcome to The Cave, Britannia's school store. This website will give you informationcave1.b6951d28059.gif

about The Cave's history, current products, specials, and much much more.

Visit this site regularly to find out what's happening at The Cave.

 Interested in Working At The Cave?

Looking for job skills? Want to have fun serving your friends and classmates? Seeking a part-time job in retailing?

cave2.4c2dc228060.jpgIf you answered "Yes" to one or more of these questions, enrol in Marketing 11 and find out how working at The Cave can open doors for you in the retailing world.

Find out what it's like to work in the best school store in Vancouver! For more information, visit the Britannia Business Education Website.


The Cave opened in November 1993 as Britannia's school store.

The name of the store was determined by a student contest. It was felt that The Cave was an appropriate name for the store because firstly, it is the place of hibernation for Bruins and secondly, the name is synonymous with a 70's Vancouver nightspot, which was the place to go to meet up with friends and have a good time.

Mission Statement

The Cave's mission is tocave3.e44a9828061.jpg

  • meet the needs of our customers with an excellent level of customer service along

    with a variety of reasonably priced merchandise and
  • provide Business students an educational opportunity to practice retailing skills learned in the classroom.

Store Operation

The Cave is operated by Marketing 11, Marketing 12, and Business Administrative Assistant 12 students and is an integral part of Britannia's Marketing Career Preparation program.

cave4.2c28b928062.jpgBusiness Administrative Assistant 12 and Marketing 12 students work as managers and partake in duties such as opening and closing the store, training employees, visual display, and making the daily deposit. Marketing 11 students are employed as sales associates and serve customers at lunch and recess.

Business Hours

The Cave is open for business Monday to Friday at recess and lunch.

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