All parents of Bruce children are members of the PAC and encouraged to participate at the school activities and events. The Parent Advisory Council (PAC) welcomes all parents to PAC meetings. Research emphasizes many lasting benefits created by parent involvement and support for the school. The partnership between parents and staff your child’s education is valued at Bruce. Respectful, on-going communication is important between parents and staff to support the academic, physical and social/emotional growth of each child.
Parents please use the link below to access the new PAC website:
Thursday, February 21st, 2019 at 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. in the Library. Child minding available for children aged 5 to 12 during PAC meetings.
Parent Advisory Council Contacts
PAC Chair - Vince Sharma (GrahamBrucePAC@gmail.com)
Treasurer – Danica Hendry
Secretary - Anjula Joshi
Community & Sponsorship Coordinator - Priscilla Deer
Social Media - Tiago Maximo
Vacant Positions
Vice Chair
Grade 7 Parent Rep
Volunteer Coordinator
Donations Coordinator
Reporting to Parents and Guardians
The Ministry of Education requires three formal reports and two informal reports be given to parents/guardians each school year. At Bruce, student-led parent/teacher conferences are held on two afternoons and evenings following the fall and winter formal reports. Multicultural workers/translators are available to interpret in most languages.