Student Safety
Attendance and Health
It is important for our students to establish the habit of coming to school regularly and on time. This demonstrates to your child that what they are doing at school is valuable and worthy of respect.
Every child should have a physical examination before school begins (or by 5 years of age). Your child should have a full series of vaccinations and immunizations before entering Kindergarten. A dental check-up is also suggested before school starts.
Your child will be screened for vision and hearing during their Kindergarten year. Families will be contacted by the Health Department if the screening indicates that more elaborate testing is required.
Clothing is important to a child's health. It should be simple enough to allow the child to dress independently and should be comfortable enough to allow for freedom of actions. Shoes without laces are preferred (velcro) unless they are able to tie their own laces. Kindergarten can get messy so be sure the clothes your child wears can be easily washed. Please provide a complete change of clothes that can be kept at school.
Keep your child home if they:
- have a fever, sore throat or cough
- have a headache or upset stomach
- have an unusual skin rash
- have chicken pox (until sores scab over)
- Head lice until treatments are complete
Families and caregivers may also inform the school of specific issues such as difficulties seeing or hearing, past medical concerns, medications and allergies.
Before and After School Supervision
Please note that we have staff supervising starting at 8:40 before school and from 3:03 to 3:23 after-school. Please do not bring your child to school earlier unless there has been a prior arrangement with your child’s teacher, or they have a special school commitment.
Staff supervision ends at 3:23 pm. If you are going to be late, please call the school. If it is after staff supervision time, your child will be asked to wait in the office. Please note after 3:23 pm it is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to supervise their child/ren if remaining on the school grounds to play on the playground, etc.
Thank you for your time and we look forward to working with your child in the new school year!