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Digital Citizenship

Internet Safety  -- this page is under construction and will be updated to include supportive resources and links for parents and families for 2024-2025. Please note that there are no phones/personal digital devices to be used by students during 9am-3pm in VSB elementary schools. For more information, please contact our office at

Sexsmith School offers students access to the Internet for research and communication related to the intended learning outcomes of the curriculum.  The school is responsible for guiding and monitoring students access to suitable educational resources.  Inappropriate material exists on the Internet and although protective measures have been taken at the school and district level, it is impossible for the school to control all possibilities.  The following rights and responsibilities outline our expectations for student online behaviour.

Rights:  Student users have the right to access selected educational network resources.  Student users have the right to access information that is free from hate propaganda, sexist homophobia, racist, pornographic and obscene content.

Responsibilities:  When accessing online learning resources, all users will maintain the same expectations as in their classrooms, and will abide by the Sexsmith Elementary Code of Conduct.  

Internet Dangers

The Internet is a great tool for research, entertainment, and communication.  However, there are risks.  Online, children are in danger from:
-  predators
-  viewing inappropriate material
-  cyberbullying 
-  privacy invasion

Typically, students in Grade 6 and 7 are using the internet to socialize. Sometimes they are putting themselves in dangerous situations with strangers or are developing negative relationships with classmates. Often, students have viewed explicit sexual images or have engaged in bullying through chat groups and servers on various social media platforms (ie. Discord, snapchat, instagram). None of these applications are endorsed by school, are generally for ages 13+ and are not recommended for our students. Please set healthy boundaries and guidelines for your children at home. Limit screen time and never provide it without supervision. Know what your children are doing online.

Devices and online access are part of our everyday lives, but we want to limit their use at school. We will have new policies for the 2024-2025 school year that include further restrictions on device usage.

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