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Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct - Updated June 2024

The École Laura Secord School community is committed to creating a safe and nurturing environment for the learners, staff and families it serves.  

We wish to create a school where all students feel they belong.  École Laura Secord School expects students to respect others, use appropriate language, and follow safety rules.  As a school we provide support for students, through the Social Responsibility curriculum, to become responsible for themselves as well as to feel responsible for global concerns.  Laura Secord school promotes the values expressed in the BC Human Rights Code respecting the rights of all individuals in accordance with the law – prohibiting discrimination based on race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex or sexual orientation – in respect of discriminatory publication and discrimination in accommodation, service and facility in the school environment.

I take care of myself.  

I take care of others.   

I take care of this place

Behaviour Expectations

These expectations apply to behaviour at school, during school-organized or sponsored activities, and behaviour beyond these times (including on-line behaviour) that negatively impacts the safe, caring or orderly environment of the school, and/or student

  • All students should behave in a safe and positive manner
  • All students are expected to listen to all staff members, and respond to their requests. 
  • Students need to treat personal and school property with respect. Damaging property, graffiti or other defacing is not acceptable. Littering is not permitted. 
  • Students are strongly advised to keep expensive or precious personal items at home. Students should not engage in the trading, buying or selling of personal property.
  • No electronic devices (cell phones, etc…) are to be used while at school (unless part of a teacher-directed lesson).  Phones are available during the school day for student use. Any item or device that interferes with the primary purpose of school (learning and socializing safely and respectfully) will be removed and given back to the student at day's end or to the parent. 
  • Students are to play in a respectful and non-violent manner. Students are not to take part in any aggressive or bullying behaviour.
  • Only objects meant for play are to be used on the playground. Some sports equipment, however, is restricted during school hours (wooden and full-length hockey sticks, bats, etc).Rocks, sand, sticks or snow stay on the ground. 
  • Only safe objects may be brought to school. Any weapons or objects used as weapons (sharp objects, pellet guns, plastic guns, knives etc.) will be confiscated and only released to an adult. Serious infractions would result in suspension from school. Fireworks or lighters are not permitted at any time on school grounds.
  • Language must be positive. Swearing, teasing, name calling, personal insults, racial slurs, and bullying language are not tolerated. 
  • Students must always be respectful of school grounds and washrooms.  During recess and lunch students are to use designated washrooms.
  • Students are expected to move through the school in partners in a safe manner. No running inside the school.
  • Students should report any problems immediately to a staff member.

Consequences for Misbehaviour

Students may face consequences for unacceptable behavior (especially aggressive or bullying behaviours) while at school, at a school-related activity or in other circumstances where engaging in the activity will have an impact on the school environment.  Consequences for individuals take into account the context, student’s age, maturity, and special needs (if any), and may increase in severity according to the seriousness and frequency of infractions.

Consequences move from discussion to losing privileges to in-school suspension. We seek to prevent the behaviour from reoccurring and to learn positive behaviours with dignity and a focus on restoration, rather than through punishment. Students, when able, participate in determining an appropriate consequence. The school will treat seriously discriminatory behaviour or communication.  Serious incidents may involve suspension from school. The school liaison police officer may be involved.Furthermore, the school will take all reasonable steps to prevent retaliation against a student who has made a complaint of another’s breach of the code of conduct.

Safety Guidelines for Laura Secord School:
Allstudents must stay on school grounds once they arrive in the morning, and at
recess and lunch unless written permission is received from the home (include
date and destination).

Bicycle-riding, skate boarding, in-line skating and scooters should be safely carried or walked on school board property while pedestrians are present.  No shoes with wheels permitted. Secure bikes in racks provided. 

Students are not supervised before 8:30 am or after 3:15 pm. For their safety students should not be left on school grounds before 8:30 or after 3:15pm.  Please respect our
start times and pick children up promptly after school.

In order to be properly supervised students are always outside during recess and lunch unless an “Inside Day” is called or a teacher is directly supervising them.  

Parent consent is required in written form for participation in field
trips. The office phone is to be used with permission only, and only for important

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