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Mission Statement

The goal is to establish and maintain a caring and safe learning environment in which all children can achieve their potential for greatness. These expectations apply to behaviour at school, during school organized or sponsored activities and behaviour beyond these times (including online behaviour) that negatively impacts the safe caring or orderly environment of the school and/or student learning. LÉcole Bilingue promotes the values expressed in the BC Human Rights Code respecting the rights of all individuals in accordance with the law: prohibiting discrimination based on race, colour, ancestry, place or origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex or sexual orientation - in respect of discriminatory publication and discrimination in accommodation, service and facility in the school environment. Special considerations may apply to students with special needs, if they are unable to comply with our Code of Conduct due to having a disability of an intellectual, physical, sensory, emotional or behavioural nature. 

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