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Parent Advisory Council

Welcome to Strathcona Elementary Parent Advisory Council! 

All parents/guardians at the school are members of the PAC and we invite you to come to meetings where we discuss ways to improve our school through volunteering, community building, advocacy and fundraising.

Meetings are held in-person and/or zoom.

2024/2025 Meeting Schedule

  1. October: Thursday October 10th 9:15am Story Room and Zoom Option - AGM
  2. November: Tuesday November 26th 6pm Zoom
  3. February: Thursday February 19th 9:15am Cafeteria and Zoom Option
  4. March: TBA
  5. April: TBA
  6. May: TBA
  7. June: TBA

2024/2025 Strathcona Elementary PAC Board

Chair: Dawn Brennan
Vice Chair: Caitlin Ryan

Secretary: Kate King
Treasurer: Ella Chan
Members At Large: 

  • Jayne Czarnocki
  • Stefan Finke
  • Carla Frenkel
  • Caitlin Gilroy
  • Rachel Morgan

We have committees (e.g. school grounds, fundraising, events) that would love your involvement! Get in touch or come to a meeting to get involved.


This year we hope to have a beer and burger fundraiser and a family BINGO night. Stay tuned for dates and come to a meeting to get involved!


Check back here for updates for more information our seasonal and ongoing fundraisers! Here are some ways you can support us:

You can find our constitution here: Strathcona PAC constitution

Please subscribe to the PAC Listserv so that you can get information on important PAC events and issues.FB.jpeg

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