Student Safety
Sep. 14, 2018
Expect respect and a safe education (erase) is about building safe and caring school communities. Please visit the erase site for more information.
Internet Safety Parent Resources
What's the Difference?
Read the pamphlet What's the Difference: Peer Conflict, Mean Behaviour, and Bullying
Health and Safety
Emergencies – Fire, Earthquake, Intruder (school lock-down)
The staff and students regularly practice emergency procedures. Evacuating the building in case of fire or earthquake is one skill that students will undertake confidently. In the event of an earthquake, students will be evacuated from the school, assembled on the school field and supervised until each child is picked up by a parent or an authorized “emergency contact”.
We also have a lock down procedure in case of a community emergency or an intruder on the grounds. A “Hold and Secure” means the exterior of the school will be locked (this means the school gates) to allow movement within the school, but no entrance into the school or exit from the school is allowed. A “Lockdown” means a full lock-down -- there is no movement at all in the building. During such a drill, if possible, we place a sign on the outside doors (gates) indicating that we are in partial or full lock down. Please do not expect to enter during these times.
Further information will be provided to parents.
Supervision Aides
Two Supervision Aides monitor children playing during recess and lunchtime. They monitor who is on the playground, problem solve with students as needed and also help organize some activities for students during rainy days.
Visitors to the School
All visitors (that means parents too) are required to report to the school office, during instructional time, in order to receive permission to remain in the building. If a visitor is going to be in the building for more than 15 minutes, he or she must sign in. After signing in, visitors will be provided with a Visitor Badge to wear during their visit. Visitors must all sign out in the office upon leaving.
This is standard protocol at all Vancouver Schools. We do not expect to see adults roaming around the hallway throughout the day. We take on the responsibility of caring for each child and ensuring each child’s safety while in our care. Therefore, we do not expect people in the building without reason or permission.
This protocol is strictly enforced during instructional time (not during drop-off and pick-up).
When on site, if you see anything of concern, please tell a staff member who will speak to the child in question. Parents are not to speak to any child except their own when it comes to any issue of concern.
Dropping Off/Picking Up Your Child
School staff provide limited outside supervision before school at 8:40 a.m. and after school until 3:20 p.m. only. Parents are asked to ensure their child clearly understands your family’s drop-off and pick-up arrangements. Children who are not picked up by 3:20 p.m. are asked to go to the school office to wait safely for their parent/caregiver. Please do not be late picking up your child. The office closes at 3:30 p.m. and the outside doors lock at the same time, except on days with after-school programs.
Please drive safely!
All drivers are urged to exercise particular and extra-special caution and care when driving in and around school zones:
- Watch for children and families crossing streets, both in and out of intersections.
- Remind your children about safe walking practices (look both ways before crossing streets; cross only at intersections, etc)
- SLOW DOWN! The speed limit in school zones is 30 km/h.
- Please respect street signage when dropping off or picking up your child. Remember: you can NOT leave your car in a drop off zone and walk your child inside. No car can be left unattended in the drop off zone.
- The staff parking lot is for staff.
- Please be careful of all the children cycling to and from school.
Thank you for helping to keep our school a safe place for children.
Public Health Nurse
A Public Health Nurse is assigned to each school. The nurse will make an initial visit to the school in September and leave his or her contact info with the school office administrative assistant. Unlike when some of us went to school, there is no school nurse on site. The school office administrative assistant, who has First Aid training, is the point of contact at the school.
If you wish to contact the nurse assigned to our school, please ask the office administrative assistant or phone Vancouver Coastal Health directly at (604) 714-3436.
The nurse, school staff, parents and caregivers, children and community groups, work together to provide health services, deliver health education and promote healthy environments.
Health Services
The Public Health Nurse is available to provide information, health education and problem solving assistance regarding health and developmental concerns, promoting a healthy environment, and providing information about community resources. This includes immunizing children in Kindergarten and Grade 6, follow up of communicable disease outbreaks, supporting health screening programs for vision, hearing and dental care for kindergarten children and assisting with healthy public policy (i.e. within schools).
If it is necessary for school staff to administer medication to your child, would you please:
1. contact the office
2. sign a “Request to Administer Medication” form
3. provide the appropriate medication
4. provide a physician’s written order to be placed on file.
What To Do If Your Child Is Sick
- Children often have eight to ten colds per year and Vancouver Coastal Health provides us with the following helpful advice:
- Students should not attend school if they are unwell
- We can not always tell when someone is infectious. For this reason we should use good infection control procedures all the time
- Wash your hands properly (soap and water for 20 seconds)
- Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you sneeze or cough, throw it out and then wash your hands. If no tissue is available, cough or sneeze into your sleeve, not your hand.
- In the interest of the best possible overall student and staff health, students who are clearly unwell and contagious should not attend school!
- If children are sick at school, the office will phone parents or an emergency contact to request that they be picked up from school right away.