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Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct - Updated June 2024

Consequences for not being Fair, Kind and Safe are as follows:

Step 1

Teacher or Supervision Aide will assist student(s) in understanding the problem.

Step 2

Teacher or Supervision Aide will speak with student(s) about the problem and investigate when necessary. Student(s) will complete a “Think” sheet and discuss it with the principal. Appropriate consequences will be applied. Parents will be informed.

Step 3

If the problem is serious and/or persists, in-school suspensions, of various lengths will occur. Teachers will be informed and consulted. Parents will be informed.

Step 4

If the problem identified is severe, an out of school suspension, of various lengths, will be given. Teachers will be informed and consulted. Parents will be informed. In certain circumstances it may be necessary to notify others such as police, MCFD, or District Officials. A letter will be sent home and placed in the student’s school file. Students will be admitted back into school following a meeting with parentsRetaliation against a student who reports a concern will be treated seriously.

The Code of Conduct is intended to ensure the freedom from harm, which includes freedom from discrimination in publication or service based on the prohibited grounds as set out in the BC Human Rights Code (race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex or sexual orientation).

There will be a response to behaviours that interfere with the learning or teaching of others, or creates unsafe conditions, taking into consideration the age, maturity or development of the student(s).

Additional Information

Purpose of Begbie’s Code of Conduct:

Our Code of Conduct is a guide meant to create a caring and safe learning environment for children.  Through the use of positive communication, we foster empowerment and individual growth.

School Contacts:

  • Your child’s teacher
  • The school principal
  • The school counsellor
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