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Welcome Back to the 2024-2025 School Year


1724695283562.pngMr. Mathewson and I are thrilled to be a part of the Fleming Community and a part of the leadership team. We are looking forward to working with you and the families, getting to know more about each of you, and supporting you in a variety of different waysA special welcome to all our new Fleming families! 


The school is open August 26th to 30th from 8am-2:45pm should you have any questions or need anything prior to the first day of school.  


School starts on Tuesday September 3rd from 9-10am for Grades 1-7 only. Kindergarten students start their gradual entry schedule on Wednesday September 4th. School is in session from 9-2:58pm starting on Wednesday September 4th. Kindergarten's first full day of school will be on Wednesday September 11th.  


More information will be provided in the opening newsletter that will be posted here and sent home with each child on their first day of school.  


We strive for ongoing, clear, and open communication. Please drop in and say hello!  


Ms. Teena and Mr. Mathewson 



Monday September 2 

  • Labour Day – no school for staff or students 

Tuesday September 3 

  • First Day of school Grades 1-7 9-10am return to previous years’ teacher. New students to meet at the front foyer and we will get you sorted and settled into a classroom. 

  • No School Lunch Program

Wednesday September 4 

  • Gradual entry begins for new Kindergarten students – please refer to schedule sent in June and attached to this message (if your child is not on this list, please call the school office to get a schedule for your child) 

  • No School Lunch Program 

Thursday September 5 

  • School provided lunch program for those who are registered will start today. 

Friday September 6 

      We hope to be able to move into our classes for the 2024-2025 school year.

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