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Digital Citizenship

Every fall at Fleming, each child and their parent signs the Acceptable (Responsible) Use of Technology Agreement to allow access to the use of devices. Such access is made available only so long as the student complies with the following responsibilities. 

 ·      I will keep my username and password to myself.

·      I will be respectful of myself and others when using technology.

·      I will not view, download, or upload anything that is illegal, inappropriate, or that may cause harm or distress to others.

·      I will not take photographs or video of other students without their permission, nor will I post pictures of others without their permission.

·      I understand that school and personal devices while at school are intended for educational purposes.

·      I will respect others’ work and property and will not access, copy, remove or otherwise alter any other person’s files or information without their knowledge and permission.

·      I will immediately report any damage of devices or software, cyberbullying, inappropriate content, and other concerns to my teacher.

·      I understand that I am responsible for my actions when using technology both inside and outside of school.

·      I understand that the school will take appropriate action if I don’t follow the rules. 

The Responsible Use of Technology Agreement is taken seriously. Access is a privilege, not a right. The result of a poor choice is loss of digital privileges for the period of time. Thank you for your understanding.

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