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May 12 2023 Laurier e-News

Laurier tree

Laurier Tree Standing Tall and Proud!

Dear Laurier Families,

The bright and warm May days are bringing sunshine and the opportunity of more outdoor activities! May and June are typically busier months at Laurier. With the warm weather, we get out and explore, while we also prepare for our year-end celebratory activities to highlight this year’s accomplishments.

Warm Weather/Appropriate Dress 

As the Weather warms up, our students will come to school in comfortable and appropriate outfits for the weather. Please remember to send your child to school with a hat and sunscreen on sunny, warm days. A bottle of water will help your child to hydrate throughout the day. Flip-flops are discouraged for safety. Thank you for your support! 

Sun Awareness A reminder by the Canadian Dermatology Association to: 

SLIP on a SHIRT (long sleeve) 

SLAP on a HAT (wide brimmed) 

SLOP on some SUN SCREEN (SPF 15 or more) 

WEAR your SUNGLASSES (100% UV protection) 

BEWARE of the SUN from 10:00 am to 3:00pm

MOVING? Let us know! 

Are you returning in September 2023? If you are not returning to Laurier in September 2023 and have not yet informed us, please let the Office know immediately as this may affect class size and composition for the next school year. 

Change of Address or Phone Number? 

Please inform the Office if you have changed your address or telephone number. For safety and enrolment purposes, it is very important that the school office has this information.

Sports Day @Laurier!

Friday, May 19 is Sports Day at Laurier! This annual tradition will include relay games and many sports activities for every student as well as a large game of tug-o-war. It is a full day of school and hot lunch has been cancelled for the day. Please ensure your child has a labelled and reusable water bottle, enough snacks, and a nutritious lunch to help them stay energized for this busy day. Please help your child come to school dress comfortably and for the weather on Sports Day.

Thank you to our PAC for generously providing treats to our students at the end of the day and lunch to our volunteer students from Churchill. Thank you to our teacher candidates, Ms. Sarah Dhaliwal, Ms. Moca Nimmervoll and Ms. Amy Cave along with Ms. Sprintzios, Ms. Lee and Ms. Wong for planning this exiting and fun-filled day for our students.

Laurier PAC News

-Sports Day T-shirt Sale Ended this week: We had a great response to our sports day t-shirt sale! 40 shirts were purchased in team colours, and we can’t wait to see our students SOARing through fun activities next Friday. For parents who ordered, we will have them distributed to your children’s classes on Tuesday May 16th. Please email us at if any questions.

-Help elect next year’s PAC executive at the May 24 AGM: Our next PAC meeting - our Annual General Meeting - will take place over Zoom on Wednesday, May 24th at 6:30pm. During the AGM we will discuss a proposed budget and elect PAC exec volunteers for our next school year that begins in Fall 2023. You can find out more about our PAC and the executive positions on our website at Zoom link and an agenda will be shared next week. Please email us at if you have any questions or would like to add something to the agenda.

Upcoming Dates

Friday, May 19: Sports Day 

Monday, May 22: Victoria Day - School closed

Wednesday, May 24 @9:00am: Hearing screening for Kindergarteners

Wednesday, May 24: PAC AGM @6:30pm

May 23-June 2: Tennis for K-7

May 29-June 2: Bike to School Week

Tuesday, May 30: Track and Field District Meet

As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at school. I wish you a safe and restful weekend.


Armin Samiei | Principal

Sir Wilfrid Laurier Elementary School

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