Snow Days
Just a reminder of what happens in the event of snow.
By 6:30 am, the VSB will post information about snow closure on its website at and will inform local media stations.
Please check the VSB and school website for up to date information.
If the school is closed, please do not send your child to school. Teachers will not be at work. On Snow Days Spare Time & the Marpole Oakridge Family Place (MOFP) may also be closed. Please contact them directly for more information:
Spare Time:
- Phone: 604-713-4930
- Email:
Marpole Oakridge Family Place (MOFP)
- Phone: 604-263-1405
- Email:
If the school is open, please remember to send students with warm coats, hats, boots, and mittens. Just a reminder that wooden and metal sleds and toboggans are not allowed at school.