Leadership Roles/Clubs
We have many students in Grade 4-7 that are actively involved in many service roles.
Office Monitors, PA Announcers, Playground Leaders, Library Monitors, AV Crew, MC for our monthly assemblies.
Monthly calendars are posted in front of the main office and students are reminded to check the calendar. If you are interested in signing up, please see Ms. Cianelli in the main office.
CLUBS: We are so excited to announce many clubs happening during the lunch hour. Daily announcements are made to remind students to attend these clubs during the lunch hour.
Chess Club: Fridays in Ms. Cassidy's Room 208
Intermediate Choir: Tuesdays in Music Portable
Primary Choir: Thursdays in Music Portable
Oragami Club: Mondays in Wong's Room 207
Comic Club: Grades 3-7 Wednesdays in Ms DeJager's Room 209