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French Immersion Info Night

Chères French Immersion Families,

The French Immersion department is excited to invite you to our annual French Immersion Info Night! Our dedicated team of educators will walk you through the program here at Vancouver Technical Secondary. During this session, we will discuss the learning opportunities offered, the support your child will receive, and the expectations for success in the program.

This will be a great opportunity to connect with us individually, ask questions, and learn more about how the program works. We will also have a panel of students who will share their experiences and give you a quick overview of how the program has helped them succeed.

We hope to see you on December 5th at 6PM at the Vancouver Technical Secondary Auditorium. 

Everyone is welcome, and we encourage your child to attend as well. This will be a great chance for them to see where they will be spending the next five years, meet their future teachers, and connect with their future peers.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Warm regards, 

The Van Tech French Immersion Department

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