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Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct - Updated June 2024

Statement of Purpose

Vancouver Technical Secondary School is committed to uphold a safe, inclusive, equitable, welcoming, nurturing, and healthy school environment.

  • Promote clear behavioural expectations of respectful and responsible citizenship that lead to a culture of safety, caring and respect amongst everyone in the school and programs and at all school-events and activities
  • The School Code of Conduct applies at school, during school-organized or sponsored activities, on school buses, and any behaviour even if outside of school or school hours, (including on-line behaviour), that negatively impacts the safe, caring, or orderly environment of the school, and/or student learning.

Conduct Expectations

Acceptable Conduct

  • Respecting self, others, and the school
  • Contributing to a safe, caring, positive, inclusive, and peaceful environment 
  • Seeking to prevent violence and potentially violent situations, and demonstrating social responsibility by reporting such situations
  • Engaging in purposeful learning activities
  • Following reasonable requests from VSB staff while at school or during school events

Unacceptable Conduct

“Students shall not discriminate against others on the basis of Indigenous identity, race, religion, colour, ancestry, place of origin, marital status, family status, age, sex or sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, or physical or mental disability, or for any other reason set out in the Human Rights Code of British Columbia, nor shall a student publish or display anything that would indicate an intention to discriminate against another, or expose them to contempt or ridicule, on the basis of any such grounds.”  Racism and discrimination will not be tolerated in our school.

  • Behaviours that interfere with the learning of other, interfere with an orderly environment, or create an unsafe environment
  • Acts of bullying, harassment, intimidation, or physical violence
  • Illegal acts, such as possession, use or distribution of illegal or restricted substances
  • Theft or damage to property

Note: Behaviours (both acceptable and unacceptable) cited in the code of conduct are examples only and not an all-inclusive list.

Rising Expectations

Students are expected to learn and mature as they move through successive grades, and as such the expectations progress towards increasing personal responsibility and self-discipline, as well as increasing consequences for inappropriate conduct/unacceptable behavior.

Retaliation Prevention

All reasonable steps will be taken to prevent retaliation against a student who has made a complaint of a breach of a code of conduct.


Disciplinary action, wherever possible, is restorative rather than merely punitive. The school will treat seriously any behaviour that discriminates based on Indigenous identity, race, religion, colour, ancestry, place of origin, marital status, family status, age, sex or sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, or physical or mental disability. 

  • Repetitive or severe unacceptable behaviour may result in increased severity of subsequent disciplinary action.  The age and maturity of students are considered when determining appropriate consequences.
  • Special considerations may apply to students with special/diverse needs if these students are unable to comply with a code of conduct due to having a disability/challenge of an intellectual, physical, sensory, emotional, or behavioural nature.
  • Responses to unacceptable conduct are consistent and fair.   
  • Students, as often as possible, are encouraged to participate in the development of meaningful consequences for violations of the established code of conduct.


The principal or designate has a responsibility to inform other parties of serious breaches of the code of conduct. These parties include: 

  • Parent(s) of student offender(s) and parent(s) of student victim(s) – in every instance
  • School district officials
  • Police and/or other agencies, as required by law
  • School community, when deemed necessary, to reassure members that school officials are taking appropriate action


In accordance with the School Act, Sec. 85 (2) (ii) and (d), the Board authorizes the principal or designate of any school in the district to suspend a student from attendance at school for up to five days.

Suspensions may be for the following reasons:

  1. because a student is willfully and repeatedly disrespectful to a teacher or to any other employee of the Board carrying out responsibilities approved by the Board;
  2. because the behaviour of the student breaches the District Code of Conduct or other policy and/or has a harmful effect on others or the learning environment of the school;
  3. because the student has failed to comply with the School Code of Conduct. 

Suspensions over five days are made in consultation with the appropriate Director of Instruction as per District Student Code of Conduct, AP 350.  As per AP 350 7.7 an educational program must be provided.



  1. Our expectation is that you will be in class on time every day unless you are ill. This includes Flexible Instructional Time (FIT)
  2. If you are sick, please ask your parent/guardian to contact the office with your student number and reason for absence, and we can immediately record this information on the day’s attendance report
  3. On your return, please bring a note to your teachers.
  4. If your absences from or lates to school are excessive, you may be placed on an Attendance Contract, Parents will be contacted by the teacher, but more chronic absences will be referred to Counsellor and Administrator.

Cellular Phones and Electronic Devices

We appreciate that parents provide cellular phones for students’ safety and contact but cellular phones are not to be used during class time, unless the classroom teacher has given permission and it is used to support learning. Devices must be turned off and put away out of sight.  If Devices may be used during non-instructional time on school grounds. Devices may be confiscated and returned to parents when students do not follow this expectation.


Riding any outdoor equipment in the school building and/or on school property is prohibited due to safety concerns.


Smoking is a serious health hazard.  Students are not permitted to smoke (including e-cigarettes and vapes) anywhere within the school or on the grounds of the school.  According to School Board Policy, all school buildings and property in Vancouver have been declared non-smoking. 

Litter and Vandalism

Everyone is responsible for keeping the buildings, grounds, and surrounding community free of litter and graffiti.  Recycling containers for paper and cans are located in several areas of the school.  Please help to improve our environment and report people who are vandalizing property to the office.


Areas designated for staff and visitor parking are not to be used by students.  Student drop off is permitted on the south end of Penticton Street as well as Slocan Street. If you ignore the parking rules, you may find that your car has been towed away. All parking in the school parking lots is restricted for staff only. Students may use street parking. Please respect our neighbour’s property. Do not litter or cause a disturbance. 

 Vancouver Technical Secondary School aspires to develop honest, ethical and accomplished students capable of being responsible citizens in Canadian society.  Educational achievement reflects an individual student’s subject area performance and honestly acquired skill, knowledge and ability. 
 Some examples of academic dishonesty include:

  1. Plagiarizing, i.e., copying material from any source, (students, the internet, a tutor, AI), using others’ ideas without acknowledging the source. This includes essays, assignments, homework submitted for marks, lab reports, computer programs, drawings, sketches, designs, video or audio tapes, and all other assigned work.
  2. Supplying unauthorized information or work of any kind to another student with the knowledge that it may be copied or used for marks. 
  3. Copying from another person’s test paper, or knowingly allowing another student to copy from your test paper.
  4. Unauthorized communication of any kind during a test.
  5. Bringing or using unauthorized materials/notes or equipment (including electronic translators, programmable calculators, computers, etc.) for a test. 


  • The incident will be recorded on the student’s file.
  • The student’s parents may be contacted.
  • The student may not be eligible for reference letters from staff.
  • The student may not be eligible for Passport to Education for that academic year.
  • The student may not be eligible for school based scholarships for that academic year.
  • The student may be suspended or transferred.

NOTE:  Specific consequences are determined by the administrator, after consultation with the supervising teacher on a case by case basis.

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