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School History

The Georgia Building was originally built as Hastings Annex and was opened in 1956. In 1964, a second school building, known as the Lillooet building, was opened and officially named after Dr. Alexander Russell Lord. 

Nova Scotia born, Dr. Lord came to British Columbia before the First World War and was principal of Kelowna Elementary until 1916, when he was appointed an inspector of schools. His inspections included Prince Rupert (then a very large district covering most of northern British Columbia), the Okanagan and Vancouver. He became principal of Vancouver Normal School in 1936 retiring from this position in 1950. From the same period he was a member of the University of British Columbia Senate. He was President of the Canadian Educational Association in 1948-1949. In 1950 he was recipient of the B. A. Fergusson Memorial Award presented by the Federation.

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