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Grade 12

Useful Links

Counselling Gr. 12 Microsoft Teams four different channels: (make sure you check these regularly)

  • General
  • Mental Health
  • Post Secondary
  • Scholarships

Graduation Status Update Information For Families - Updated Feb 01, 2024. (NEW)

Post Secondary Guide: A Post-Secondary Student's Guide to Success.pdf

Graduation Checklist: Grad Requirements  & Grad Checklist  Updated 

Graduation Letter: Grad Requirement Letter  

Student & Parent Presentation: Grade 12 Graduation & Beyond Presentation Oct 2024 (NEW)  

University Visit - Lord Byng 2024-2025  - Updated Oct 3, 2024 

Counselling Website (incl. Scholarship info):

Where Can I Look for Scholarships? 

High School Transcript/BCeID

The website is:

BCeID/STS Login page: Student Transcript 

Student Poster: STS Student Poster.pdf 

Registering for a BCeID and Accessing the StudentTranscripts Service:

BCeID/STS website: Grade 12 students can view their high school transcript using their BCeID login and password. First, they will need to sign up for BCeID by creating a login and password. Once they do this, they can log in to student transcript website. Through this website, students can view their transcript, send their transcripts electronically to post-secondary institutions within Canada and internationally, and order sealed copies of their official school transcript if they need to for eg. for an employer, or just to have . All the links are included above.  Students can also refer to their Microsoft Teams channel, and/or come and see their counsellor in person for more help. 

View transcript link: Students will only see their fully completed courses (eg. grade 10/11); however, post-secondary institutions will be able to see their fully completed courses (eg. grade 10/11) as well as their current courses (eg. grade 12 classes).  In addition, post secondary schools will be able to see their grade 12 interim marks.  Lastly,  post-secondary institutions will be able to view/access student transcripts only if the student has sent it to them (i.e. given their permission). 

Send/Order transcript link: Students should send their transcript once they have applied to their desired post-secondary schools. Post-secondary institutions will be able to view/access student transcripts only if the student has sent it to them (i.e. given their permission). For ordering extra copies of their final high-school transcript through this website, students should do this once their high-school diploma is finalized (mid to late July). 

Please note: In addition to sending their transcript through BCeID to various post-secondary schools, students will also need to do self-reporting as part of their application process.  Each post-secondary institution has different instructions for self-reporting (for example: uploading (UoT), typing in (SFU or UVic), or mailing(Queens)).  For Universities that require mailing (eg. Queens, McMaster), students can request a school transcript from the main office.  This will be prepared in a sealed envelope.    

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