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Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct - Updated June 2024

Renfrew Elementary School’s

Circle of Courage Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct exists to allow the school to be a safe, healthy, happy and productive place to learn and live.  


1686081242555.pngOur code has adopted an Indigenous medicine wheel concept called the Circle of Courage * which emphasizes social and emotional growth in one’s life.  As the Circle of Courage proposes, it is important for children to grow and develop through the spirit of belonging, mastery, independence and generosity.  

*source: Brokenleg, Dr. Martin. 2007.  Reclaiming Youth at Risk: Futures of Promise: Reclaiming Youth Network. “The Circle of Courage Philosophy”. 



I can be a respectful part of a group.

Belonging is an understanding that you are significant and that relationships of trust are important, so that the child can say, “I am loved.



I can set and achieve goals.


Mastery is an understanding that you are capable and that you are learning to cope with the world, so that the child can say, “I can succeed.



I can be independently responsible.


Independence is an understanding that you are powerful on the inside and that you have the will to make choices, so that the child can say, “I have the power to make decisions.”



I can contribute positively to others.

Generosity affirms that you are a genuine human, and that your character is nurtured by concern for others, so that the child can say, “I have a purpose for my life.


Students shall not discriminate against others on the basis of race, religion, colour, ancestry, place of origin, marital status, family status, age, sex or sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, or physical or mental disability, or for any other reason set out in the Human Rights Code of British Columbia, nor shall  a student publish or display anything that would indicate an intention to discriminate against another, or expose them to contempt or ridicule, on the basis of any such grounds. Racism and discrimination will not be tolerated in our school.

Our code applies to behaviour at school, during school-organized or sponsored activities, and behaviour beyond these times (including online behaviour) that negatively impact the safe, caring and orderly environment of the school, and/or student learning.

Students Who Do Not Exhibit Socially Responsible Behaviour

At Renfrew we reflect upon our choices, take responsibility for our actions, and make amends through a restorative action plan.

The following guidelines are used for dealing with students who are not being socially responsible, or whose behaviour interferes with learning or safety beginning with those for more minor issues.

Special considerations may apply to students with special/diverse needs if these students are unable to comply with a code of conduct due to having a disability/challenge of an intellectual, physical, sensory, emotional, or behavioural nature.

Initial, Minor Incidents:  Sometimes kids make mistakes -- it’s a natural part of the learning process.  At these times, we aim to take responsibility and learn from these mistakes through:

  • A discussion with an adult
  • Time for reflection, review of the Circle of Courage, appropriate restorative action 



Repeated Behaviour:

Repetitive or severe unacceptable behaviour may result in increased severity of subsequent disciplinary action.  The age and maturity of students are considered when determining appropriate consequences.

  • Discussion with administration 
  • Loss of privileges (e.g. re-gaining independent playground privileges) 
  • Parents informed, potential meeting requested, possible behaviour plan established 

Serious Problems/Refusal to change:

  • Discussion with administration 
  • Parents informed-behaviour plan developed 
  • Possible in school/out of school suspension  


The principal or designate has a responsibility to inform other parties of serious breaches of the code of conduct. These parties include: 

  • Parent(s) of student offender(s) and parent(s) of student victim(s) – in every instance
  • School district officials
  • Police and/or other agencies, as required by law
  • School community, when deemed necessary, to reassure members that school officials are taking appropriate action


Serious Breaches of the Code of Conduct - Suspensions

In accordance with the School Act, Sec. 85(2)(ii) and (d), the Board authorizes the Principal or designate of any school in the district to suspend a student from attendance at school for up to five days.

Suspensions may be for the following reasons:

  1. because a student is willfully and repeatedly disrespectful to a teacher or to any other employee of the Board carrying out responsibilities approved by the Board;
  2. because the behaviour of the student breaches the 


District Code of Conduct or other policy and/or has a harmful effect on others or the learning environment of the school;

  1. because the student has failed to comply with the School Code of Conduct.

Suspensions over five days are made in consultation with the appropriate Director of Instruction as per District Student Code of Conduct, AP 350. As per AP 350 7.7 an education program must be provided.  


Please Note:  It may be necessary to contact others outside of 

the school such as district staff, police (School Liaison Officer) 

and Ministerial Agencies.


Retaliation Prevention

All reasonable steps will be taken to prevent retaliation against a student who has made a complaint of a breach of a code of conduct.


Rising Expectations

Students are expected to learn and mature as they move through successive grades, and as such the expectations progress towards increasing personal responsibility and self-discipline, as well as increasing consequences for inappropriate conduct/unacceptable behaviour.


Family Involvement

Renfrew’s Code of Conduct was established to ensure each child and staff member’s safety.  We ask for student and parental support in honouring our commitment to ensuring the safest learning environment for all.  Parents can help in the following ways:

  1. Discuss the Code of Conduct with your child.
  2. Be in close contact with your child’s teacher -- e-mail or phone them with any concerns.  
  3. Questions? Please email or phone the school at 604-713-4851.



Revised June 5, 2023

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