Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct - Updated June 2024

Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1E2
Phone: 604-713-5350
University Hill Elementary School Code of Conduct (Date Reviewed: June 20, 2023)
The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to help provide a safe and supportive learning environment for all students to be successful and feel a sense of belonging as valued and significant members of the school community. The School Code of Conduct applies at school, during school-organized or sponsored activities, on school buses, and any behaviour even if outside of school or school hours, (including on-line behaviour), that negatively impacts the safe, caring, or orderly environment of the school, and/or student learning.
Be kind to yourself • Be kind to each other • Be kind to this place • Hold one another up
Be kind to yourself:
- Say one kind thing to yourself when you wake up
- Eat healthy food and get lots of sleep
- Feel proud of your learning and hard work
Student generated examples of being kind to yourself:
- Avoid dangerous situations
- Appreciate what you have
- Tell an adult if you get hurt or feel sick
- Do some breathing when you are angry
- Be yourself
Be kind to each other:
- Treat people how they want to be treated
- Invite people to play and learn
- Use words to solve problems peacefully
Student generated examples of being kind to each other:
- Accept the beliefs of others
- Help people with their problems
- Give people space when needed
- Consider the way other people may feel
- Learn about the culture of other people
Be kind to this place:
- Pick up garbage, reduce, reuse, and recycle
- Learn about the plants and animals around us
- Think about ‘How can I take care of the Earth? How does the Earth take care of me?’
Student generated examples of being kind to this place:
- Enjoy the gardens
- Clean up and tidy your spaces
- Leave wildlife in its natural habitat
- Be in tune with your surroundings
- Remember that we share this space
Hold one another up:
- Listen to one another respectfully
- Encourage one another with words and actions
- Think about ‘How am I connected to my family, friends, and the Earth?’
Student generated examples of holding one another up:
- Share and help others
- Help someone be happy when they are sad
- Teach each other
- Ask people how they are doing
- Make people feel lighter
Unacceptable Conduct:
- Behaviours that interfere with the learning of other, interfere with an orderly environment, or create an unsafe environment
- Acts of bullying, harassment, intimidation, or physical violence
- Theft or damage to property
Students shall not discriminate against others on the basis of Indigenous identity, race, religion, colour, ancestry, place of origin, marital status, family status, age, sex or sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, or physical or mental disability, or for any other reason set out in the Human Rights Code of British Columbia, nor shall a student publish or display anything that would indicate an intention to discriminate against another, or expose them to contempt or ridicule, on the basis of any such grounds. Racism and discrimination will not be tolerated in our school.
Note: Behaviours (both acceptable and unacceptable) cited in the code of conduct are examples only and not an allinclusive list.
At University Hill Elementary we reflect upon our choices, take responsibility for our actions, and make amends through a restorative action plan with consideration of the developmental levels, age, maturity, and special needs of students. Whenever possible, consequences will be preventative and restorative (such as writing a letter of apology for hurting someone’s feelings, cleaning up when littering, etc.). Students are expected to learn and mature as they move through successive grades, and as such the expectations progress towards increasing personal responsibility and self-discipline, as well as increasing consequences for inappropriate conduct/unacceptable behavior.
The school will treat seriously any behaviour that discriminates based on Indigenous identity, race, religion, colour, ancestry, place of origin, marital status, family status, age, sex or sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, or physical or mental disability, or for any other reason set out in the Human Rights Code of British Columbia.
Repetitive or severe unacceptable behaviour may result in increased severity of subsequent disciplinary action. The age and maturity of students are considered when determining appropriate consequences.
Special considerations may apply to students with special/diverse needs if these students are unable to comply with a code of conduct due to having a disability/challenge of an intellectual, physical, sensory, emotional, or behavioural nature.
All reasonable steps will be taken to prevent retaliation against a student who has made a complaint of a breach of a code of conduct.
The following guidelines are used for supporting students who are not being socially responsible, or whose behaviour interferes with learning, safety, or belonging of others. Some possible responses could be:
Initial, Minor Incidents:
A discussion with an adult
- Classroom teacher is informed, and a small group or class meeting is held
- Reflection on behaviour and appropriate restorative action
Repeated Behaviour:
Administrator facilitates student reflection on behaviour
- Student records reflection on form that is sent home for parent/guardian information and signature
- Loss of privileges for appropriate length of time
- Staff work with student and potentially family to develop a plan for positive behaviour
Serious Problems/Refusal to change:
Completion of reflection form
- Discussion with administrator, classroom teacher, and family
- Development of a Positive Behaviour Support Plan
- Working with district behaviour support team
- Possible change of learning space
- Possible in school/out of school suspension
Serious Breaches of the Code of Conduct—Suspensions:
In accordance with the School Act, Sec. 85(2)(ii) and (d), the Board authorizes the Principal or designate of any school in the district to suspend a student from attendance at school for up to five days.
Suspensions may be for the following reasons:
because a student is willfully and repeatedly disrespectful to a teacher or to any other employee of the Board carrying out responsibilities approved by the Board.
- because the behaviour of the student breaches the District Code of Conduct or policy and/or has a harmful effect on others or the learning environment of the school.
- because the student has failed to comply with the School Code of Conduct.
Suspensions over five days are made in consultation with the appropriate Director of Instruction as per District
Policy (
The principal or designate has a responsibility to inform other parties of serious breaches of the code of conduct. These parties include:
- Parent(s) of student offender(s) and parent(s) of student victim(s) – in every instance • School district officials
- Police and/or other agencies, as required by law
- School community, when deemed necessary, to reassure members that school officials are taking appropriate action
Family Involvement:
- Discuss the school’s Code of Conduct with your child
- Be in close contact with your child’s teacher and email or contact them with any concerns
- Inform the school of any personal circumstances that may influence your child’s behaviour
- Help your child to be as independent and responsible as possible for their actions, their words, their belongings, and their schoolwork
- Monitor any social media accounts your child is using and discuss privacy settings that are available
- Questions? Please email or phone the school at 604-713-5350