Area Counsellor Programs and Services
Sara Urbauer is our Area Counsellor. She is in the school on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Services and programs are provided upon request, such as:
Grade 4/5 RSVP Program- A 10 week class wide program that teaches healthy relationship skills and focuses on violence prevention and social emotional learning. The sessions include a class meeting, a topic and an art activity. Topics covered are Feelings, Anger, Worry, Communication styles, Boundaries, Self-care and Self-awareness, Types of Abuse and getting help.
*Grade K-3 TAPS Program-This is a two lesson program that teaches about personal space and boundaries. This program was designed by Vancouver Coastal Health Boundaries Program.
*School Based Team and Pre-referral consultation and Collaboration with school staff
*Student, Parent, and Family Support, Consultation, Counselling and Referral to appropriate community agencies.
*Problem Solving Room- one time per week students having friendship issues can come and have a supported conversation after recess.
*Friendship and Social skills Groups