The electronic translation service is hosted by Google Translate. The quality of the translation will vary in some of the languages offered by Google. Google Translate is a free service and currently offers translation in over 50 languages, although an impressive number, this does not capture all languages or dialects. The basic translation’s goal is to capture the general intention of the original English material.
The Vancouver School Board does not guarantee the quality, accuracy or completeness of any translated information. Before you act on translated information, the Division encourages you to confirm any facts that are important to you and affect any decisions you may make.
The Vancouver School Board is committed to parent, family and community engagement, and it is our hope that by providing this tool on our website that we are making our information more accessible to families whose first language is not English and thereby enabling better engagement in public education.
Students are expected to be able to do the following:
Applied Design
Understanding context
Gather information about or from potential users
Choose a design opportunity
Identify key features or user requirements
Identify the main objective for the design and any constraints
Generate potential ideas and add to others’ ideas
Screen ideas against the objective and constraints
Choose an idea to pursue
Outline a general plan, identifying tools and materials
Construct a first version of the product, making changes to tools, materials, and procedures as needed
Record iterations of prototyping
Test the product
Gather peer feedback and inspirationMake changes and test again, repeating until satisfied with the product
Construct the final product, incorporating planned changes
Decide on how and with whom to share their product
Demonstrate their product and describe their process
Determine whether their product meets the objective and contributes to the individual, family, community, and/or environment
Reflect on their design thinking and processes, and their ability to work effectively both as individuals and collaboratively in a group, including their ability to share and maintain a co-operative work space
Identify new design issues
Applied Skills
Use materials, tools, and technologies in a safe manner, and with an awareness of the safety of others, in both physical and digital environments
Identify the skills required for a task and develop those skills as needed
Applied Technologies
Use familiar tools and technologies to extend their capabilities when completing a task
Choose appropriate technologies to use for specific tasks
Demonstrate a willingness to learn new technologies as needed
Students are expected to use the learning standards for Curricular Competencies from Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies 4–5 in combination with grade-level content from other areas of learning in cross-curricular activities to develop foundational mindsets and skills in design thinking and making.