Films, online media, etc. from subscription services may be shown subject to the terms of the subscription agreement. If, for example, the terms limit use to personal or household use (such as Netflix), then the video cannot be shown in the classroom
PPR are required for non-educational purposes in schools such as lunchtime, before or after school events or programs, fund-raising, and so on. Schools will need to buy licenses to show feature films outside instructional hours and for fundraising.
Music can be played or performed by students on school sites for educational purposes for audiences of students, educators, and for parents.
Music cannot be played or performed by students on school sites under the terms of the Act; that is, without permission and payment:
- At school dances or sporting events
- At an event where profit is intended
- As background music anywhere in the school, including the phone system when a person is ‘on hold’
Licensing for these restrictions is provided by SOCAN ( and ReSound (
Students’ Rights
Students’ intellectual property rights are protected. That is, any original work – for example, an essay, video, sound recording, website, art piece – requires authorization for further use.
Authorization in VSB schools requires both the student’s and the parent’s signed permission to re-use in a publication, workshop, or web posting, or as an exemplar. Email is considered a legal document for this purpose.
More Information
The Council of Ministers of Education Canada (CMEC). Copyright Matters! 2016. Online.
The Canadian Teachers’ Federation
Fair Dealing Decision Tool
Useful Links
- 3 Things for Teachers to Know about Copyright (poster)
- Copyright Matters (Booklet)
- Fair Dealing Guidelines (Poster)
- Fair Dealing Guildelines (Handout)
- Copyright, Fair Dealing and the Classroom (PowerPoint)
- Principal/Teacher Checklist (Handout)
- Copyright law has changed for teachers and schools (poster)
- Copyright law in the context of education (Handout)
- Consumables (poster)
- Your Copyright Go-To Person (poster)
- Copyright Information for Teachers on CMEC website
- ERAC Copyright Course for Educators