Sun and Province
NIE (News In Education) Program - The Vancouver Sun and The Province ePaper
May 2020: NIE is providing us extra access to the program during COVID19 period. Please login to to read temporary access informaiton. The login temporary access is only for teachers and students. Please do not post on any public internet site.

All secondary schools are setup with both epaper access on Destiny.
Elementary schools are set up with the same epaper from last year unless you have asked to change it.
Should you like to change epaper, please contact the Library Services and Technology.
Please be reminded that under the NIE program, the epapers are for use in school ONLY. Learn more about NIE on their website.
The schools that are enrolled in NIE must submit affidavits every year. If you are using two epaper, you will need to submit two affidavits. You should receive reminder email from PostMedia or NIE program when the time comes. Such email would be sent to the school's NIE account email address. Click to view the list of Sun and Province ePaper NIE Accounts.
NIE Account email address
Your school's NIE Account email address is an alias of the TL's actual email address. Should you think you need to update the actual email address, e.g. staff retired or moved, please use this form to inform us.
Opt out
You can use same form above to opt out of the program. The ePaper link on your school's library site will be removed accordingly.