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Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct - Updated June 2024

Code of Conduct - ROARS

What is it?

Roars is Tupper's code of conduct and is an acronym for Respect, Ownership, Attitude, Responsibility and Safety.  These are the core values that our community agrees to honour. 

The Concept

Roars is an umbrella that encompasses behavious that we expect and demand from our students.  We praise students when they show Roarsy behaviour, and we call them out when they don't.

Praising the Roars!

TLC stands for Tupper Leadership Card.  Anytime staff catch a student or staff member doing something roarsy, they can get rewarded with a TLC.  Roarsy recipients can either display them proudly in their lockers or their bedroom walls or they can put them in a clear plastic TLC draw box in the office.  Every Friday at the end of the last block there is a draw and the winner gets a prize (anything from a t-shirt to a ski pass). 

Adults are the role models

In order for Roars to work, the adults in the school role model appropriate behaviours and help the students to make the connection between the individual and the community.  Students might point out that an adult is not doing something Roarsy.  This is allowed as it is a teachable moment and an opportunity to model ownership.  We are working together to strengthen our community and when the students see adults working together and getting along, it shows them that they can do the same.

Sir Charles Tupper Code of Conduct

ROARS, the Tupper Code of Conduct, outlines the rights and responsibilities of all members of the Tupper community, in order to ensure a safe, productive and respectful learning environment.   The Code of Conduct applies while at school, at a school-related activity or in other circumstances where engaging in the activity will have an impact on the school environment   


ROARS, the Tupper Code of Conduct, was developed and endorsed by staff, groups of students, parents and the Tupper School Planning Council.  The Tupper Code of Conduct promotes the values expressed in the BC Human Rights Code respecting the rights of all individuals in accordance with the law – prohibiting discrimination based on race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex or sexual orientation in respect to discriminatory publication and discrimination in accommodation, service and facility in the school environment.  Racism will not be tolerated in our school. 

 Consequences, Disciplinary Procedures and Expectations

Any behaviours that are in opposition to the code above, such as, but not limited to, swearing, fighting or theft will be considered unacceptabe conduct.  A breach of the rules, including the defiance of school authority, is a serious offence, and may result in a disciplinary record.  In some cases, it may be appropriate for the school to involve the participation of parents/guardians, subject teachers, counselors, administrators, VSB officials, community agencies and the police.  Discipline can take a variety of forms, such as reprimand, detention, service work, loss of privileges, suspension, school transfer or any combination of the aforementioned; however, disciplinary action, wherever possible, will aim to be restorative, rather than punitive.  Student age and maturity is a factor in determining discipline with the clear expectation that as students move through successive grades, they will assume increased personal responsibility and self-discipline.  In some cases, special consideration may apply to students with special needs.  

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