School Policies and Procedures
The Vancouver Board of Education’s policies, regulations and rules pertaining to student conduct may be found online at Sir Charles Tupper Secondary School upholds VBE policies, regulations and rules. They are in effect during any school-sanctioned activity and cover all school board buildings and grounds.
The School Board Policy Manual states that proper student behavior is essential to the development of responsible and self-disciplined citizens and essential to the operation of effective schools. Proper behavior is based on three principles: respect for oneself, respect for the worth and dignity of others, and respect for one's own and others' property. Good conduct is not only a matter of observing a list of school rules but also a matter of care, sensitivity, good example, and involvement in the school as a community.
Students engaged in behavior that interferes with the general welfare of students or the school’s learning environment may be subject to disciplinary action even when this behavior occurs off school property or during a time when the student is not under direct school supervision, such as lunch hour or going to and from school.
The possession, consumption or sale of alcohol or drugs prior to or while attending school, a school function, or a field trip is strictly forbidden. Any infraction will be considered serious and will result in the immediate implementation of school student discipline policies.
The VSB recognizes that every individual should be treated with respect and dignity and therefore has the right to be free from harassment in our schools and workplaces. A positive and welcoming work and learning environment protects and promotes the self-esteem, worth, and human rights of every person and supports mutual respect and cooperation among individuals. Any student involved in racial, ethno-cultural, religious, or sexual harassment in any form will be subject to discipline.
The Vancouver School Board works hard to ensure that schools are safe places for students. The board states that violence of any kind will not be tolerated. Any form of violence or intimidation that threatens the health, safety, and welfare of students is not acceptable. Violence includes verbal, written, or physical threats, bullying, fighting, or emotional abuse. Students are not permitted to have weapons. Any student found with a weapon, involved in violent acts or involved in soliciting others to commit an act of violence will be subject to administrative consequences.
If you have been affected by, or know of others who have been affected by alcohol, drugs, harassment, violence, and/or weapons it is very important that you inform your parent/guardian, school administrator, teacher, counselor, or school liaison officer. This way we can help solve the problem. Disclosed information is considered confidential.
Any student found with alcohol, drugs, weapons or found to be involved in violent acts or soliciting others to commit an act of violence will be dealt with on an individual basis. In all cases the grade level administrator will notify the student’s parents or guardians. As well, one or more of the following actions may be taken depending on the nature and severity of the incident: community service, referral to a counseling or a treatment program, in-school or out-of-school suspension, administrative school transfer, or withdrawal.
In some cases, violation of school or district policies may also be a violation of the Canadian Criminal Code and may result in a police investigation and possible criminal charges.
Our Code of Conduct guides our behavior in and out of school. Everyone in our community – students, parents, guardians, and teachers – is responsible for promoting and protecting the values that underlie our Code of Conduct. Follow ROARS and you will be successful!
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The core competencies, along with literacy and numeracy foundations and essential content and concepts, are at the center of curriculum and assessment. Core competencies are sets of intellectual, personal, and social and emotional proficiencies that all students need to develop in order to engage in deep and life-long learning. Through provincial consultation, three core competencies were identified:
- Communication
- Thinking (Creative and Critical)
- Personal and Social (Positive Personal and Cultural Identity, Personal Awareness and Responsibility, Social Responsibility)
Core competencies are evident in every area of learning; however, they manifest themselves uniquely in each discipline. In the redesigned curricula, competencies are embedded and evident within the learning standards. Competencies come into play when students are engaged in “doing” in any area of learning. This includes activities where students use thinking, collaboration, and communication to solve problems, address issues, or make decisions. The ultimate goal is for learners to employ the core competencies every day in school and in life, and for the core competencies to be an integral part of the learning in all curriculum areas. For more information on the Core Competencies, please refer to the Vancouver School Board Website .
Students are expected to be in all scheduled classes, and on time. Attendance is recorded every period. Students will be marked late if they are not in class by the final bell.
On your return please bring a parent/guardian note bring to the office and have it stamped with the ABSENCE NOTE STAMP at reception. Bring this note to your teachers to sign before returning it to the office.
Whenever possible students who will be absent by parental request (appointments, emergencies, special events, etc.) should provide a signed note to their teachers in advance. If an early dismissal is required students need to present their note to the office before leaving the school. Students absent due to field trips, work experience, athletic events, etc., must inform teachers in advance of the intended absence.
Students are responsible for all work missed during absences. Students are encouraged to take the initiative to find out what work was missed and how it should be made up. Teachers will provide reasonable assistance to students absent for acceptable reasons.
When exams are missed due to an excused absence, students need to make arrangements with their teacher to write the test or take alternative measures.
The following represents the continuum of procedures and consequences for unexcused absences.
Unexcused Absence | Intervention Level | School Outcomes |
1 – 3 Missed Classes in a Subject | Teacher/Parent/ Student | Phone call home, and/or attendance report sent home, and/or attendance card. |
Further Absences | Teacher/Parent/ Student/ Counsellor | Interview with counselor and/or phone call home and/or attendance report sent home, and/or attendance card. |
Continued Absences | Teacher/Parent/ Student/ Counselor/ Administration | Attendance warning letter with attendance printout and/or parent interview and/or interview with administrator and/or attendance card. |
Chronic Absenteeism | Teacher/Parent/ Student/ Counsellor/ Administration | Second parent interview: attendance contract stating consequence for non-attendance (e.g. home schooling, distance ed, transfer, timetable dropped, and/or withdrawal |
Students who are taking an extended vacation or who will be absent for an extended period of time must complete the Notice of Extended Absences and/or Vacations During the School Year form, obtain teacher signatures and submit the completed form to their respective counsellor.
Students do not have the right to make up or hand in work missed because of an unexcused absence. This includes extended vacations.
Teachers are not obligated to provide extra work or repeat instruction for any student who misses school due to an extended absence and/or vacation during the school year.
Students must report to the office if they become ill during the day, require an early dismissal from school with an appropriate parent/guardian note (see attendance section), and/or are dismissed or sent out of a class for any reason other than an early dismissal. Students must sign out when they are given permission to leave the school due to illness.
During instructional time, cell phones and other electronic devices will only be used for active learning as prescribed by the teacher;
- Cell phones are not to be used in the hallways or washrooms during instructional times; and
- Students on Study Blocks may go to the library and cafeteria to use cell phones and electronic devices with the expectation that they are NOT texting students in class.
- The use of cell phones and electronic devices is permitted during non-instructional time inside the school.
Using cell phones and other electronic devices outside the parameters defined by the above rules will result in a student’s phone being kept in the office for pick-up after school. Repetition of such behavior will involve a conversation with parent(s) / guardian(s) and may result in the item being held in the office for parent pick-up.
Internet Use
Access to school technology shall only be by the person(s) permitted to do so. Holders of school accounts are responsible for all activity that occurs within their accounts. Computer and network services are shared resources and must be used with consideration for others.
School technology services shall not be used for illegal, obscene or inappropriate purposes, or in support of such activities. Inappropriate use of technology services includes, but is not limited to:
- transmission of materials in violation of Canadian law,
- transmission, storage or duplication of pornographic, abusive, obscene or threatening material,
- transmission or duplication of material in violation of copyright law,
- participation in pyramid or chain mail,
- attempts to vandalize school, district or external systems including attempts to destroy data of another user via virus or other means or accessing unauthorized sites, and/or
- revealing your or another person’s personal information such as address, phone number, picture or other data without parental consent.
Failure to comply with these responsibilities may result in student suspension and/or termination of online privileges.
We aspire to develop honest, ethical, and accomplished students capable of being responsible citizens.
Examples of cheating include:
- Plagiarizing
- copying material from any source including the internet, other students, a tutor
- using others’ ideas without acknowledging the source
- Copying from another person’s test paper or knowingly allowing another student to copy from your paper.
- Consciously assisting another student to attain marks through misrepresentation.
- Submitting copied assignments and/or submitting the same assignment more than once.
- Bringing or using unauthorized notes and/or electronic devices such as cell phones, camera phones, electronic dictionaries, programmable calculators for a test.
Cheating Policy: Consequences
- Parent/Guardian will be notified of the incident.
- The student will receive “zero” for that particular assignment and this will be calculated into the accumulated total for the course.
- The student will not be eligible for Honour Roll or Principal’s List recognition for the current academic year.
- The student will not be eligible for school-based Scholarships.
- The student may be suspended.
Staff believe that the spring course selection process ensures a strong educational plan for student success in the fall. Consequently, students are informed that the choices made during the spring are the ones they are expected to commit to for the next school year.
- Courses may not be dropped without Administrator permission.
- Failing a course is not sufficient reason for dropping the course.
- All course change requests require parental/guardian consent.
Course change requests must be made to the appropriate grade counsellor by Thursday, September 17th. Changes may result in block/period changes in any or all courses on the current timetable. Course change requests will not be accepted during class time.
Students must continue to attend ALL classes in their timetable until their course change has been confirmed, even if a course change request form has been submitted.
Your performance in a course is reported informally to you by your teacher and informally to your parents by telephone and/or e-mail. Formal reporting is communicated through interim report cards (as required) and two formal report cards. Your teacher will inform you at the beginning of your course on how you will be evaluated.
Letter Grade Distribution | |
A | 86 – 100 % |
B | 73 – 85 % |
C+ | 67 – 72 % |
C | 60 – 66 % |
C- | 50 – 59 % |
I | Incomplete/In-Progress (includes an Action Plan and Timeline) |
F | 0 – 49 % |
Tupper Secondary School strives to maintain close contact with the student’s home. Parents are welcome to contact teachers, counselors, or administrators to set-up convenient appointment times. Specific questions related to student instruction and evaluation in any course must first be brought to the subject teacher’s attention.
All students are required to pay a school fee. Schools fees are published and itemized in the school start-up newsletter and on the school website. School fees are payable on the first day of school or upon registration during the school year.
The Board of Education Trustees are committed to ensuring that no school-aged student is denied an opportunity to participate in a course, class or program because of an inability to pay fees. Parents and guardians unable to pay some or all of school fees are invited to speak to their child’s teacher, school counsellor and/or the school Principal.
It is a school expectation that a student must write the Final Exam (if any) in their courses.
To practice and gain confidence in becoming an independent and lifelong learner, students are responsible for completing homework assignments. Subject-specific and overall knowledge, skills, and attitudes are increased through homework completion. Homework includes out-of-class assignments and at-home preview and review. A minimum of one to two hours should be spent doing schoolwork at home on everyday. This may include completing homework assignments, preparing for upcoming tests, and/or compiling study notes to review ideas discussed in class. Reading (for homework or pleasure) at home will enhance your overall literacy skills. Tupper’s Homework Club is a good way to get help with homework. It runs Tuesdays & Thursdays after school from 3:00-6:00 pm in the cafeteria.
Every student should do their part in keeping the school buildings and grounds clean, tidy, and safe, and in preventing damage to school equipment and school property. When you see litter please take the time to pick it up and dispose of it in the garbage containers provided. Recycling containers for paper and cans are located throughout the school. Please help to improve our school environment.
Each student is assigned a locker. You are responsible for the upkeep and overall appearance of your locker. Students are not to write in or on their lockers. Another student may not use your locker. Only approved school combination locks should be used. No illegal substances, weapons or other offensive or prohibited material may be placed in or on student lockers. School officials may search lockers at any time and without prior notice to ensure school safety. Students should not leave valuables in their lockers. Students will be liable for the loss of textbooks or school material in the event of a locker break-in.
PE staff and school administrators recommend that PE students each have their own locks and lockers in the PE change rooms. Students should never leave their belongings in an unlocked locker.
Personal items and textbooks should be clearly labeled with student names. Lost or stolen items should be reported immediately to the office. Please drop off found items in the office. Unclaimed items will be donated to charity every two weeks.
School photographs are taken early in the school year and copies of the photograph will be available for purchase. Each student will receive a free Go Card after this photograph session, which will qualify them for a student rate on Metro Transit. Go Card replacement photographs are available through the school office over the course of the year for a nominal fee. You will need your Go Card for entry to school dances and to sign out materials from the school library.
Rollerblades are to be removed and scooters and skateboards must be dismounted once a student reaches school property. These items are to be placed in your locker for the duration of the school day. Riding a scooter or skateboard is prohibited on school property.
A school dance is a school-sanctioned event. Students must present a dance ticket and their current student Go Card to gain entry to the school dance. If you have lost your Go Card you must see your grade level administrator prior to the dance for an orange administrative slip.
Smoking is a serious health hazard. Students are not permitted to smoke anywhere within the school or on school grounds. Smoking is also not permitted during any school-sponsored function. This is inclusive of e-cigarettes or any other smoking apparatus.
For safety reasons, throwing snowballs is not permitted on or near school property.
Student discipline will be determined individually. Students should recognize and respect the disciplinary role of their classroom teacher during class time, out-of-class time, or any extra-curricular activities. Other school staff such as Student Support Workers, Office Staff, and Custodial Staff, also play an important role in supporting strong student conduct practices on-campus.
Students who violate school or district rules, policies, or regulations will be subject to further disciplinary action by school administration, which may include, but is not limited to: an interview with an administrator, notification of parent(s)/guardian(s), in-school suspension, out-of-school suspension, restorative processes, community service, loss of privileges, detention, referral to counseling or treatment program, transfer to another school, expulsion from the district, or a combination of these consequences.
Most textbooks are provided free of charge subject to their return in good condition. A charge will be assessed for lost or damaged textbooks.
Students are not to visit other schools during school hours or on professional days. This is considered trespassing on the other school’s property. Should you need to visit another school remember to report directly to that school’s office and ask to speak to a school administrator in order to receive a visitor’s pass.
Students are instructed by subject teachers on procedures to be followed in the event of an emergency.
Notice of an Emergency Drill: Rumbling on the P.A. system. Further instructions will be given.
- Teacher gives ‘drop’ command.
- Remain in protective position until staff gives further direction.
- Sixty seconds after the shaking has stopped, teachers identify a safe exit route from the building and lead their class to the track oval. Students are to stay with their teacher throughout the entire evacuation.
- Be silent and follow staff instructions. Anticipate the noise that accompanies an earthquake and remain silent in order to hear instructions.
- Avoid touching electrical wires, which may have fallen.
- Obey all staff and emergency personnel.
- Do not return to the building for any reason without the permission of a responsible adult.
- Students must notify the teacher responsible for them before leaving the school with a parent or designate.
a. In the gym: go to the wall first, drop to your knees with your back to the windows; fold arms on the floor, close to knees; bury head in arms with eyes shut tightly
b. In the classroom, library, or cafeteria: seek cover under desks or tables holding onto the furniture leg or legs while keeping eyes tightly shut and backs to the window
Students not in class at the time of the drill must try to reunite with their class outside of the building, and if they cannot, they must report to the command center near the track oval.
On the sounding of an intermittent or continuous alarm when students are in class they will follow their teacher’s instructions in evacuating the school. Each classroom has a designated route to follow to a specified location outside the school. Students are to exit quietly without talking and remain with their group outside the building in their classroom’s designated area.
If the alarm sounds when classes are not in session students must immediately leave the building in an orderly fashion by the nearest safe exit to an allocated area and await further instructions from staff.
Students must not re-enter the building until the sound of an all-clear signal, three rings of the bell. The alarm stopping is not an all-clear signal.
OTHER EMERGENCIES: For example, chemical spills, dangerous goods, and/or police requests.
Notice of the emergency will be given with 6 rings over the P.A. system. Stop and listen carefully to the instructions. Evacuate the building if instructed to do so. Follow regulations 6 through 9 under earthquake procedures (above).
Students with the ability and interest in competing in athletics are encouraged to try out for the many athletic teams available at Tupper such as: Badminton, Basketball, Co-Ed Ultimate, Golf, Rugby, Soccer, Softball, Tennis, Track and Field, Volleyball, and/or Wrestling.
A student is eligible according to the following age restrictions:
Senior | Under 19 on Dec. 31st of current school year, or later |
Intermediate | Determined by individual leagues within the above age limit |
Junior | Under 17 on Dec. 31st of current school year |
Juvenile | Under 16 on Dec. 31st of current school year |
Bantam | Under 15 on Dec. 31st of current school year |
As a necessary requirement of school teams entered in the Vancouver and District Inter-High School Athletic leagues, once a student indicates their intent of playing on the team it is vital that he/she stay with that team until its season has been completed. The only exceptions to this situation occur if: a student fails to make the team’s final selection of members, and/or, by mutual agreement of the coach and athlete, subject to decision by our school’s Athletic Board, that the athlete be allowed to withdraw from the team.
Should a student fail to carry out their commitment to themselves, their teammates, and coach by missing practices or games without a valid reason, they will be less than fair to teammates and coach. In such cases – and we expect none – the school’s Athletic Board will rule on that individual student’s eligibility for further teams.
A student shall represent the school in only one Vancouver Athletic Association sponsored sport during a season. A student who is trying out for a team at the time the league organization meeting is held is committed to continuing with that team if selected. Season limits were introduced for the purpose of increasing participation, helping a player fulfill their commitment to their team, and providing for equitable competition.
Emphasis is on the playing the sport for enjoyment and fitness rather than the result. Competition is in the spirit of friendly rivalry. Desirable sportsmanship and conduct on the part of the student is expected.
Clubs day will be held in September in the Main Foyer. All students are encouraged to participate in school life and are invited to join clubs. Some of the clubs usually available include: Best Buddies, Youth for Change, Dance, Grad Committee, Jazz Band, Improv, Kababayan Mentoring, Leadership & Sustainability, Strategies Games Club, Mini Council, and Technical Theatre.
The cafeteria is operated by the Home Economics Department and is open to students during the morning break and lunch hour. Cafeteria 11/12 students prepare and serve all the food. Soups, entrées, sandwiches, desserts, milk, and juice are available most days. Since others use the eating space in the cafeteria throughout the day students are asked to leave the area clean and tidy.
Counsellors will assist you during your five years of high school and welcome the opportunity to get to know you personally. While there is a counsellor assigned to each grade level, you have the privilege to meet with any counsellor you choose for whatever matter that might concern you. Counsellors work with your teachers and parents in your best interests. Through your counsellor you can gain information and assistance in the following areas: course planning for graduation, vocational and career related information, post-secondary educational information, scholarship and bursary information , personal and social support.
Eating food or drinking anything but water in the library is not permitted. Sir Charles Tupper Library/Learning Commons is open 8:30AM - 3:30PM when school is in session. Students with overdue or lost items must deal with these first before borrowing more. Students must have their student Go cards in order to sign out library materials.
To access the school library catalogue, go to and click on Sir Charles Tupper Secondary School. Destiny is our new library resource circulation software, as well as for database research. Here you can check your records, search for books, and use the databases to do homework and research.
Students are expected to be respectful of the space as in all other ROARS aspects, and clean up after themselves.
How to print in the library. Before asking Mr. Baird, follow these 3 steps:
1. Find the “Self-Serve Printing” icon on your desktop.
2. Pick the printer you want, -probably LIB BW or LIB Colour.
3. Click on “Connect.” (if you get another message asking to connect say ‘yes.’)
Now go back to your document and print.
To reset your password, please ask your teacher.
All cases of accidents or illnesses occurring during school hours and school functions must be reported immediately to your teacher or to the school office. In serious cases, someone should stay with the patient while someone else summons the first aid attendant.
Before a student leaves the school because of illness or accident, permission of the office, or first aid attendant must be obtained and the parent/guardian notified.
A community health nurse is available for consultation through Raven Song Community Health Center located at 2450 Ontario Street (Ontario and 8th). Phone number is (604) 709 - 6400. The nurse can discuss questions about health and wellness issues such as birth control, STI’s, pregnancy, stress, smoking, and other worries.
A qualified first aid attendant is on-call at all times in the School Office.
At the time of student registration or during the first week of school, all parents/guardians are to complete a contact form indicating any student medical concerns that may need emergency care during the school day. It is the parent’s responsibility to advise the school of any changes during the school year. Medical alert bracelets are recommended.