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Student Bulletin

Student Bulletin

February Days with Changes to the Schedule

Tuesday, February 11th – PM Collaborative Day, early dismissal for students

Friday, February 14th – District Wide Professional Development Day, no school for students

Monday, February 17th – BC Family Day, school closed

Course Planning

Course Planning has begun for students for the 2025/2026 school year.  While it may seem early to begin thinking about the next school year in February, we start the planning process early to ensure we are able to run as many courses as possible for students.  

It is important that you make sure you and your child can log into MyEducation BC. In addition to viewing marks, report cards and attendance data, your child and you will be using MyEducation BC to enter, edit, and view course requests. Every student has access to their MyEd account.  Please have them open their account for you to view this important information with them. 

MyEducationBC will be open for course selection from now until February 19th

It is also important to note that course requests are not guaranteed.  Your child may not get the courses they requested if there is insufficient enrollment or conflicts with other classes. We always do our very best, but sometimes we cannot fulfill first choices. Given that the classes we run are based on student requests, it is important that these course choices are thoughtfully considered for September.

Should you have any questions please email your child's counsellor directly.

Course Planning Guide

Shortcut to Course Code list

VSB Career Programs

Do you know a grade 10, 11, or 12 student considering a career in the skilled trades, technology, or health care? Then you need to know more about what VSB Career Programs has to offer! Grade 10 or 11 students who apply could get a head start on career training and the school district pays the tuition. That’s right, free tuition and a chance to get started early on training or an apprenticeship while still graduating on-time.

Grade 12 students interested in an apprenticeship in a construction trade could start early, earn credits towards graduation, and start earning a paycheque as early as Semester 2 of this school year.

For more information about what VSB Career Programs has to offer, visit their website, or speak to a school counsellor.

Locker Registration

Logging In:

Killarney Secondary School Locker Assignment Software System

Student accounts have been created for access to the system; all previous accounts & passwords have been reset.

You will log in to the website using your student number as your “UserID.

Your password is a combination of your initials and your student number. Your initials are the first letter of your LAST name, and first letter of your FIRST name in uppercase.

For example, if your name is “Jen Wong” and your student number is 12345, your User ID would be “12345” and your password would be “WJ12345”. The password is case sensitive! You MUST change your password once you log in.

Selecting Your Locker:

Locker selection will begin on September 4, 2024.

  • You are only permitted to select a locker in zones according to your Grade. Your allowed zones are at the top and highlighted in yellow or orange. All other zones will be red and not available to you. The zone will identify the Wings and Floors with lockers for your grade.
  • A locker that is green is an empty locker and available for you to select.
  • Once you have selected a locker you WILL NOT BE ABLE TO CHANGE IT. You can login at any time to see your assigned locker and combination.

Lockers are organized by zones. Each grade is assigned to different zones in the school:






A1 and D1

A 100s / D 100s




B 200s



A2 and A3

A 200s / A 300s

2 & 3


A2 and A3

A 200s / A 300s

2 & 3


B1 and B2

B100s / B200s

1 & 2

More Info:

  • A reminder that you MUST NOT switch lockers or the lock that is on the locker. Doing so may result in your lock and locker contents being removed.
  • You cannot change your locker through the online program.
  • If there is a serious concern such as someone else using your locker, please email Mr. Nakada ( with your Name, Grade, locker number, and your concern AFTER the first week of school.

How to open your lock video:


  1. Turn dial RIGHT 3 times. Stop at the 1st number.
  2. Turn dial LEFT one full turn, passing by the 1st number before you stop at the 2nd number.
  3. Turn dial RIGHT and stop at the 3rd number. Pull the lock open.
  4. When closing the lock, spin the dial and pull down on the lock to check that it is secure.

Student Attendance

Parents/Guardians are encouraged to report their child’s absence by emailing Absences will only be recorded as excused if the email is received from the parent email. Please include the following information: 


Student Number: 


Date of Absence: 

Reason for Absence:

2024/25 Calendar

Please click here for the 2024/25 Calendar. 


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