Scholarship Info
Awarded to the top academic scholar in the graduating class.
This is the highest award given at Killarney Secondary and its recipient is considered the top all-around student in their graduating class. James Edmunds was the beloved Principal of Killarney from 1963 to 1969 when he passed away. Mr. Edmunds was proud of the school and the students for their academic standings as well as their achievements—in school work, sports, and extra-curricular activities. He believed in the younger generation and often tried to bring change within the community as well as the school for their benefit. This award is given to a student who is heavily involved in every aspect of the school and the community and still maintains an excellent scholastic standing.
This award recognizes a student who is a well-rounded individual. In addition to scholastic excellence, the winner must have shown leadership and contribution in the school. Gordon May began his teaching career at Killarney as a student teacher in 1960. He went on to teach at Killarney for a number of years under Principal, James Edmunds. Mr. May was appointed principal of Killarney in 1992 and served in that capacity until his retirement in 1995.
The Aric Hayes Memorial Scholarship exemplifies what he stood for; ideas of social awareness, activism, social responsibility and humanitarianism. A tree was planted on the south side of the school in his honour to commemorate his passing.
Aric Hayes was a teacher, man of principle, cyclist, hiker, social activist and lover of the outdoors. Since becoming a Vancouver Secondary teacher in 1995, Mr. Hayes passionately demonstrated his enthusiasm and commitment to his students, most notably during his tenure at Lord Byng and Killarney Secondary Schools.
Awarded to students with good academic standing, ambition, teamwork, and dedication to completing professional-level projects within the professional world.
This Scholarship recognizes a grade 12 student who demonstrates excellence in academics and community involvement. This student has shown perseverance in achieving their academic goals, dedication to solving issues within their community, and a determination to become a leader amongst their peers.
This award is presented to the top student in the Social Studies program. Bob Brown was a teacher at Killarney for over thirty years. He was the Social Studies Department Head when he retired. Upon his retirement, he served as a city councilor for the City of Port Moody until his untimely death.
Captain Cook Elementary Scholarship
Awarded to a former Cook Elementary student.
Carleton Elementary Scholarship
Awarded to a former Carleton Elementary student.
Champlain Heights Elementary School Scholarship
Awarded to a former Champlain Heights Elementary/Annex student.
Champlain Heights William Kennedy Memorial Scholarship
This award is given to a student who has been involved in activities as either a volunteer or leader at Champlain Heights Recreation Centre, or Community Centre, formerly a student at either Champlain Heights or Captain Cook Elementary, lives in the Killarney area, and demonstrates leadership and exceptional citizenship in the community.
Sponsored by the Vancouver Fraserview Provincial NDP Constituency Association.
Arnold Alexander Webster served as a teacher and administrator during his 40-year career in education. He was the second principal of Killarney Secondary School. Arnold Webster also served his community and his province. He was a Vancouver East MLA and the Leader of the Official Opposition as a CCF member (forerunner of the NDP) of the BC Legislature from 1953 to 1956, a Vancouver Kingsway NDP Member of Parliament in Ottawa from 1962 to 1965 and served as a Vancouver Park Board Commissioner from 1940 to 1962.
In the presentation of the award it was said “There are hundreds of students who remember him as their guide when he was a school principal. But he was even more closely associated with the great contributions he has made to the community life of Vancouver.” (Vancouver Sun)
David Oppenheimer Alumni Scholarship
Awarded to a former David Oppenheimer Elementary student.
Developmental Disabilities Association Scholarship
Awarded to a student who has demonstrated the greatest perseverance and hard work in achieving graduation.
Dr. George M. Weir Elementary School Scholarship
Awarded to a former Weir Elementary student.
This award is given to deserving students who have spent a great deal of time working in the Cougar Mart. Elizabeth Abbotts was a teacher of Special Education at Killarney. During her time at the school, she established the school store.
Forerunners, Janice Leung Memorial Scholarship
This Scholarship is intended to award student-athletes that embody Janice’s love of sport and her generous spirit. The vision of Olympians Peter Butler and Carey Nelson, owners of the Forerunners stores, is to help build the running community, for fitness and wellness. They are committed to being a hub for the community, and to support local charities. The Killarney Athletics Scholarship Fund is one that they enthusiastically agreed to get involved with. Janice Leung competed on Killarney’s Athletics teams for five years before graduating in 2011. Janice was a committed athlete, a diligent student, and a compassionate friend and teammate. She continued to coach and support Killarney student-athletes while at university.
Forerunners, Yu Ting Ji Memorial Scholarship
Alger Liang competed on Killarney’s Athletics teams for five years before graduating in 2016. This scholarship was established in remembrance of Alger’s mother and is intended to recognize student athletes that tirelessly work to support the efforts of their teammates and excel in their own athletic endeavors. The Killarney Athletics Scholarship Fund was made possible, in large part by the generous support of Forerunners (Carey Nelson and Peter Butler) and Alger Liang (Killarney alumnus).
Friedrichs Media Award
Presented to the top media student.
GULF & FRASER Financial Scholarship
Young adults are the face of our future and at Gulf & Fraser, we have made a commitment to support their quest for higher education. Annually, we award several scholarships and bursaries to students in our communities.
Applicants are evaluated on a combination of academic merit and community involvement.
This Scholarship award was originally established in 1987 by the India Club which was restructured in 2016. The Hindu Cultural Society & Community Centre of BC has generously offered to continue the support of this prize in honor of the India Club. The prize will be awarded to a student demonstrating leadership while maintaining a strong academic standing.
Jean Ip Foundation
The Jean Ip Foundation (The Foundation), a non-profit organization, is named after its founder, Ms. Jean Sheng-Chi Ip. Ms. Ip was a Canadian entrepreneur and a devout Christian; her vision for the Foundation was to utilize the agricultural and farming asset from her portfolio as a means of helping those who are in need.
Beyond charitable activities for local communities, the Foundation is keen to expand its activities under its second core pillar, which is advancing education through scholarships. With this in mind, the Foundation is seeking to collaborate with BC colleges to establish scholarship opportunities for eligible students who are seeking to advance their education.
This scholarship is intended to provide support to a student who (i) demonstrates contribution to their community and (ii) is graduating Grade 12.
Preference will be given to applicants who have had to overcome adversity in the pursuit of their education and who have demonstrated leadership qualities.
Jenny Wong Tech Education Memorial Scholarship
Although Jenny Wong graduated from Van Tech, the Wong family are members of the Killarney community. Jenny enjoyed woodwork, metalwork, drafting and especially electronics. Her goal was to go into engineering before her illness and passing in 2006. Her family is donating this scholarship in her honour to a female student who wishes to pursue trades, technical studies or engineering.
This Scholarship is awarded for leadership and the ability to give back to their school and community. Joanne Windsor was a teacher at Killarney for many years and contributed her time and efforts to the graduation ceremonies, career preparation and work experience. She spearheaded Killarney’s annual clothing drive to help the homeless in the downtown core and established the Student Street Squad.
Khalsa Diwan Society Scholarship
Awarded to a student that has demonstrated academic excellence, involvement in sports, leadership, school and general community involvement and volunteer work.
Killarney Association of Film & Theatre (KAFT) Scholarship
Awarded to top film & theatre students.
Killarney Citizenship Award
Awarded to a student that has demonstrated service to the school through leadership and community involvement.
Killarney Community Centre Leadership Scholarship
Awarded to students who have demonstrated exemplary leadership in the Killarney community through volunteering at the Killarney Community.
Killarney Music Association—Band & Choir
Awarded to top band and choir students.
Killarney Parents Advisory Council Scholarship
Presented to deserving students based on academic achievement and/or community involvement.
Killarney Strings Association—Peter Rohloff Award
Awarded to the top strings student.
Through a generous donation, we are proud to offer this to the graduating student who exemplifies artistic vision in either classic or contemporary art forms and is pursuing studies in visual or performing arts, vocational training or technological training. This student has demonstrated commitment and/or a passion for their chosen area of study.
Kingsford Smith Elementary Scholarship
Awarded to a former Kingsford Smith Elementary student.
Lieder, Pierce, Kendall Award for Excellency in Drama
Awarded to students who have demonstrated excellence in drama.
Louise C. Papais Music Scholarship
Louise was a dedicated piano teacher who left a lasting impression on every student who crossed her path. To honor her memory and continue her mission of promoting education and sharing her passion for helping students, her family has created a scholarship fund in her name.
Louise was the beloved daughter of Joseph and Anne Carita Papais, the younger of two daughters, and grew up in East Vancouver. After graduating from Vancouver Technical High school, she went to study law at UBC and graduated with honors in 1993. After practicing law, she returned to SFU to study Kinesiology. Louise was very involved teaching fitness at the community level and encouraged all ages to become active. But music was in her soul from an early age. Eager to play piano at the age of 3, she went on to compete all ten grades of the royal conservatory of music and later achieved her teacher's degree in piano forte. She bought music into the lives of countless young children and was especially proud of the program she developed at the Killarney Community Centre. Using her unique approach and style, stressing theory as the foundation, the students had fun while learning the basics from the ground up. Louise was loved by her students and became part of their family. She taught piano at Killarney Community Centre for over 20 years and her classes were in high demand. Her family is overcome with sadness and filled with a desire to find a way, however small, to honor the legacy she left behind.
The Louise C. Papais Music Scholarship is available to graduating Killarney Secondary School Music Program students who plan to continue their music education at the post-secondary level. The opportunity is open to any music student who performs at a high level and demonstrates a passion for music.
MacCorkindale Elementary Scholarship
Awarded to a former MacCorkindale Elementary student.
This award is presented to the student who excels in creative writing. Matthew Kennedy, son of William Kennedy, who is also among our award profiles. Matthew loved creative writing, particularly science fiction.
Music Scholarship sponsored by Victoria Uberall
Awarded to a student who demonstrates a proficiency in and a love of music that they share with others in the school community.
Overall Achievement Award
Awarded to students who have maintained a high academic standing while participating in a wide range of extra-curricular activities.
The Terry Jensen Scholarship honours a student who has been a positive peer role model and has overcome adversity by volunteering and creating change within their community. They are not necessarily academically included and may not be on honour roll but deserve recognition for their improvement.
This award is given to a basketball player who has exhibited the ethics of service through participation in school sports; and who has shown growth during his/her time Playing for Killarney. Tom Tagami was a long-time basketball, rugby, and football coach. At this time of his retirement, his former players established this award in his honour.
Universal Buddhist Temple Award
Awarded to students who have demonstrated community involvement and compassion for the world around them while maintaining a strong academic standing.
VASSA Scholarship
Donated by the Vancouver Association of Secondary School Administrators for leadership, academic excellence, service, and citizenship.
Vancouver Secondary Teachers’ Association Scholarship
Awarded to a graduating student who plans to enter the teaching profession, and who demonstrates good academic achievement.
This award was generously donated by the office of the Vancouver South Federal Liberal Association for a Grade 12 student moving on to post-secondary education. The successful candidate is a student who has embraced and met specific criteria. A high academic achiever, maintaining at least a “B” average who is a consistently participatory and caring citizen, demonstrates strong leadership skills and the will and ability to work effectively as part of a team.
Victoria Drive Community Hall Association Scholarship
Awarded to a student going into the trades or culinary arts program. Must be involved in community volunteering.
Waverley Elementary PAC Scholarship
Awarded to a former Waverley Elementary student.
Wesgroup has been building communities for many years. One of the key things we have learned is that schools bring a natural, authentic social network to a community. Kids bring neighbours together. Parents and their kids form bonds with each other that can last a lifetime. Schools offer neighbourhoods a strong social and emotional connection that brings people together to create a real, authentic community. Wesgroup’s vision for River District is to create a vibrant, people-centered community that makes the well-being of residents its highest achievement and is proud to support and recognize a student in the graduating class who has exemplified community service.
The William Hurrell Scholarship is given to a student who is motivated to create change and help their community. They are interested in writing, Science and Fine Arts
Killarney Secondary School—Departmental Scholarships
Killarney Secondary School also extends our sincere thanks to the many hours devoted to fundraising for departmental awards:
Congratulations to the recipients of the following categories:
Business Education
Grad Committee
Physical Education
Modern Languages
Social Studies
Silver Scholarship Cup
Staff Award
Student Government
Vancouver Board of Education—District Scholarships
There are 5,500 District/Authority Scholarships distributed across school districts and independent school authorities. They recognize graduating BC students for excellence in their chosen area of interest or strength. Winners receive $1,250. Scholarship voucher to use towards their post-secondary tuition.
Areas of Achievement and Examples:
- Indigenous Languages and Culture—demonstrated at school or in the community
- Fine Arts—Visual Arts, Dance, Drama, Music
- Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies—Business, Technology, Home Ec, Info Tech
- Physical Activity—Athletics, Dance, Gymnastics, not limited to PE
- International Languages—International Languages curriculum or External Assessments (AP/IB)
- Community Service—Volunteer activity—building awareness of local, global and cultural issues
- Technical & Trades Training—Auto, Robotics, Coding, Woodwork, Culinary Arts
Congratulations to the recipients of the following categories:
Home Economics
Media Design
Physical Education
Tech & Trades (Computer)
Visual Arts