Student Safety
October 14, 2020 - Update: Masks with Exhaust Valves
It's come to our attention that non-medical masks with exhaust valves are being worn by some students and staff. Non-medical masks that have exhaust values do not capture the person’s respiratory droplets when they exhale. These might look like “better” masks but are not equivalent to the non-medical masks referred to by the PHO, BCCDC, or the VSB protocols and should not be worn in schools/workplaces in place of standard fabric non-medical masks or single-use paper surgical-style masks.

Health Canada has specifically addressed this issue and advises:
“Some commercially available masks have exhalation valves that make the mask more breathable for the person wearing it, but these valves also allow infectious respiratory droplets to spread outside the mask. Masks with exhalation valves are not recommended, because they don't protect others from COVID-19 and don't limit the spread of the virus.”
The following links are resources to help parents and students navigate challenging peer situations, such as peer conflict, mean behaviour and cyberbullying. Please review these resources in your family and reach out to the grade counselor or grade administrator for help if you are concerned about a situation involving your child and their peers.
VSB Parent Pamphlet on What is the Difference? Peer Conflict, mean behaviour and bullying
Responding to Cyberbullying: A Guide for School Communities