Work Experience
My name is Susan Flanagan and I organize volunteers for BC Blind Sports and Recreation Association. We provide programs, services and resources to individuals who are blind or visually impaired and some will have an additional disability. Our services are in early intervention, school activities, community, and competitive sports.
We are once again looking for volunteers to work in our gift wrapping booth this holiday season at the Oakridge Shopping Centre and are wondering if some of your students might be interested in this experience. For the last 12 years we have staffed the giftwrapping booth at Oakridge Shopping Center in Vancouver, and will do so again this year. We have had great success with student volunteers from your school, many of whom have been able to earn volunteer hour credits for school.
We would like to invite your students to apply to volunteer at the Gift Wrapping booth. If you think your students would benefit from experiencing in volunteering at the booth we would welcome an opportunity have them join our group. The students would be required to attend one training session, this will be held at the mall, and they would be trained on how to wrap and ribbon gifts for customers. There are other things that will be needed such as taking in the customers information, keeping track of the gifts and taking in the donations when the customer picks up their gifts.
If you think this would be a good fit for your students I would look forward to working with you and or if you have a Career Counsellor or Work Experience Teacher who is looking for placements for students, please feel free to forward my information onto them. If you need more clarification or would like to speak with me, you can reach me at 604-325-8638 or by return email.
Susan M. Flanagan
Member Services Coordinator
BC Blind Sports and Recreation Association
#170 - 5055 Joyce Street, Vancouver, BC V5R 6B2
Tel: 604-325-8638 Toll Free: 1-877-604-8638
Fax: 604-325-1638
Web Site:
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WELLNESS CONFERENCE - Feb 1 & 2, 2020 - Vancouver Trade & Convention Centre
Letter - Early Bird Registration 2020 (pdf)
Position Descriptions 2020 (pdf)
Volunteer Position - All 2020 (pdf)
Job Opportunities