Guidance and Support
The school counsellor is a person who is professionally trained in guidance and counselling. The counsellor shares with teachers, parents/guardians, and administrators a responsibility for helping students find their stay at John Oliver a rewarding and worthwhile experience.
Our counselling centre is located on the second floor. Students are encouraged to drop in and talk with the counsellors.
Students wishing to make an appointment with a counsellor should leave a note in the counsellor's letterbox in the main office or drop into the counselling centre before school, at lunch, or after school.
2024-2025 Counsellor Assignment:
A. Alvares Gr. 9, Gr. 8 A – C
C. Martel Gr. 10, Gr. 8 D - J
M. Wolfe Gr. 11, Gr. 8 K – Q & Take A Hike
N. Ghani Gr. 12, Gr. 8 R – Z, International & Trades