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Additional School Policies


Student attendance is a shared responsibility of parents, students, and staff. Parents have the responsibility to ensure their child’s attendance at school and to communicate with the school regarding their child’s absences or tardiness. Daily attendance in classes is crucial for success in school. Students are expected to report to classes on time – prepared to work and to participate. The school will track attendance daily and will update the MyEd Portal with this information. Regular attendance is essential for success in school regardless of the reason for absence. It is the student’s responsibility to catch up on missed work. Excused absences due to illness and or other reasons must be verified with a note from parents/guardians, even if there has been phone notification of the absence.

The preferred method for reporting student absence would be via email at, alternatively you may phone the school office at 604-713-8938.

Absence notes from parents/guardians must include the following information: date and reason for the absence, parents/guardians’ signature, and a contact phone number where the parent/guardian can be reached. Any absence for which a note is not provided will be deemed an unexcused absence. Students are responsible for having each teacher sign the note and for returning it to the office.

The school Messenger system will automatically notify parents/guardians of the name of the student and the class or classes missed. Parents/guardians may contact the school at any time to enquire about their child’s attendance. Attendance does matter! Poor attendance can lead to the student failing the term or year in any given class and can have a negative effect on their high school career. Students, for various reasons, including poor attendance, may be asked to leave the school and pursue other educational options. Parents/guardians are asked to work with the school in helping students to become responsible attenders. This may require coming to the school to meet with counsellors or administrators.

Students who need to leave school during the day for illness or appointments must sign out at the office.



John Oliver expects that all students will be in regular attendance from September to June. Absence from school limits student achievement and progress. Extended absences may lead to course failures and to the loss of student timetables as we cannot guarantee that a place can be held for the student. The decision to take students out of school for vacations or family visits is a family decision. Teachers are not able to provide extra work or engage in repeating instruction or extra tutoring. Class time is important, and it is not possible for the teacher to make up for the time the student has missed.



PA notices are read every morning. We do not interrupt classes during the day with student messages; only very urgent messages are referred to appropriate staff members.


We will be sending home important messages via phone message and email. Please ensure that your email address is up to date so that you will receive these important updates.


Our website is our first line of up-to-date information for students and parents. Student achievement, special events, and activities are highlighted. We encourage all students and parents to check the school website often for informational updates and celebratory messages. 


John Oliver's teaching cafeteria offers a varied and nutritious menu for staff and students within a commercial-sized kitchen. Culinary Arts classes cook and serve meals, which range in flavours from all around the world. The cafeteria is entirely wheelchair accessible and is open daily during Breaks and Lunch Break. Hot and cold lunches and snacks can be purchased using cash, debit or credit card. 


If a student demonstrates one of the JO COURAGE CODES of CONDUCT they will be nominated by a Teacher or Administrator and given a card to enter in a monthly draw for a prize. The card must be dropped off at the office to be entered in the draw.


Occasionally, a portion of the transportation costs of field trips may be assessed to students participating in the field trip. However, no student will be denied the opportunity to participate in a required field trip because of cost. Students who are unable to pay the fees should contact their counsellor.


Student first aid needs, illnesses and health emergencies should be reported to the Main Office. A qualified first aid attendant is always on call from 8:00am-3:30pm, Monday through Friday. 

Students who are not feeling well enough to stay at school should report to the Main Office. Students are excused only after a parent/guardian has been notified.



The Student’s Role:

  • to complete homework tasks to the best of their ability
  • to make sure they understand the homework and ask for help from the teacher when necessary
  • to manage time and materials (Ex. Bring home necessary materials, bring homework back to school, communicate any problems to teacher)

 The Teacher’s Role:

  • to provide clear, purposeful, and challenging homework that reflects the instructional plan for the class and is developmentally appropriate for the students’ different abilities and circumstances
  • to provide a balance of open-ended, creative and practice activities
  • to give clear, explicit instructions and feedback
  • to teach skills necessary for successful homework completion (Ex. materials organization, time management, problem solving)

The Family’s Role:

  • to help your student plan their time to complete assignments in manageable stages
  • to communicate directly with the teacher when necessary
  • to provide a suitable environment and regular time for working at home
  • to monitor and encourage student’s progress and homework completion
  • to establish a balance between homework and other activities



The John Oliver LC is here to provide a dynamic learning environment for class and individual study. Teacher-Librarians (TLs) can help with finding information, locating books, using databases, and creating citations using the MLA 8 format. One may access the collection by using the desktop icon or There is a wide collection of material available for curriculum learning and recreational reading, including fiction, graphic novels, non-fiction books and e-books. Students may borrow 5 books at a time for 2 weeks. Students can log-in to the library site, renew the books and search the catalogue. The LC is open before school, at break and during lunch. Students may use the desktop devices for learning, provided they follow the user agreement (Ex. no gaming etc.).



Some students require additional support in order to be successful in school. These students receive a variety of services depending upon their learning needs. All students are welcome to attend teacher organized tutorials if they need help completing their homework. For further information about the support available, please see your teacher or counsellor.



Every student is provided a locker to store personal belongings and school supplies. Valuables should not be brought to school. Lockers are NOT secure. Neither the school nor the Vancouver School Board has insurance to cover the loss by theft or damage of texts, library books, or personal property of students. All students must purchase a heavy-duty lock from the school for their hallway lockers and are encouraged to purchase similar locks ($19) from the school for their Physical Education class.

In September, students will reserve their own locker by registering their school purchased lock and locker details in the Online Locker Management System, No student is to share a locker with another student. These measures are to ensure greater locker security. A repair cost may be levied if a locker is 

damaged or defaced.



The school office and the gym have a lost and found area. At the end of the year, everything will be donated if not picked up before the last day of school.



MyED is the online data base that will give you access to your marks and attendance records. There is one log in for both students and parents/guardians. If you have problems with your login, please ask the Office Staff for assistance.



The school parking lot off 41st Ave and St. George is ONLY for staff members. Students should not be parking their vehicles in the staff parking lot. There is plenty of street parking available. Parents/Guardians are asked NOT to drop off students in the staff parking lot. 

Please respect our neighbour’s property, do not litter or cause a disturbance.



The basic School Fee for all grades is $30. This fee includes Students' Council activities, events, clubs, intramurals, and the Student Handbook. The School Yearbook is optional and is an additional $50. School fees can be paid online through School Cash Online Grade 12 students pay an additional $100 to cover the costs of the school leaving ceremony and other items such as the Graduation Composite Photograph, cap and gown, and other ceremonial costs.         

Some elective courses have additional fees to cover the cost of supplemental supplies and materials. No student will be denied participation in such courses because of lack of funds. Students who are unable to pay the fees should speak to their counsellor.



A Public Health Nurse is available for consultation through the South Community Health Office located at 6405 Knight St. (Knight & 49th), telephone #778-871-7132. 



Student photographs are taken in September and included in the school yearbook. Students may purchase photograph packages from the school photographer. Cost is based on the type of package purchased.

All students will be issued a Trans Link Student ID Card (Go Card). The Student ID Card allows students to travel to and from school during school hours at a reduced fare. If the Go Card is lost, we can re-order a new card for a fee of $5.00 and the student must come to the office to order a replacement card.



A student phone is available in the Main Office.



The school yearbook is a record of student activities for the current school year. All students will have their pictures included in the yearbook, which is distributed at the end of June. This is optional and must be ordered and paid for in advance. The cost is $50.


Students receive textbooks directly from the subject teachers at the beginning of the school year. The care and maintenance of these books is the responsibility of each student. Teachers will check and assess books at least once during the school year. Students must pay the cost of replacing lost, or stolen books, and repairing damaged ones. 



Visitors on legitimate school business should contact the school and make appointments to see teachers, counsellors, or administrators. All visitors must report to the main office and sign in.

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