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Safe Arrival

The school needs to make sure that all students are safe. The school district has a protocol called Safe Arrival.

If your student will be absent or late,
please let the office know by emailing or by leaving a message at 604-713-5159 extension 23 #.
Please do this by 9:15 on the day of the absence or late arrival.
You can tell us as early as you want, even months ahead.
This puts them on the list of students the office knows is safe.

When your student arrives late,
please sign in at the office (clipboard by the green "Arriving Late" sign).
This puts them on the list of students the office knows is safe.

When you need to take your student away from school,
please sign out at the office (binder by the pink "Leaving Early or Coming Back" sign).
This puts them on the list of students the office knows is safe, if we ever have a fire alarm or something and we need to make sure we've found everyone.

When teachers take attendance after the 9:00 bell and your student is not there, they are marked Absent. The office compares that list with the messages received from families and the list of late arrivals to change the student's status to Absent Excused or Late. That means that we know those students are safe, and we don't need to worry about them anymore. For the remaining students, the office needs to contact the family to make sure that they know that the student is not at school. We need to confirm that the student is safe!

Can't I just tell my student's teacher?

Teachers may not see your email before they start class. If you tell them ahead of time, they cannot enter future dates into the attendance-recording system. The teacher could be absent that day or forget that morning. The office, on the other hand, will be checking messages and can enter future dates. Please cc the office when you email the teacher.

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