Forms (paper)
To keep students safe, we need your cooperation. These forms need to be updated each school year. The office will send them home with your student a few weeks into the school year.
▢ Student Information Verification forms (ALL students)
This is a printout from our database (see blank sample). Please check:
- Do "Usual Last Name" and "Usual First Name" match what the student is called at school by teachers and students?
- Are the addresses up to date (for the student and for legal parent/guardians)?
- Is "Can pick up" checked for the correct contacts?
- Is the "Out of district" emergency contact far enough that they would be safe in an earthquake that could prevent us from reaching the parents/guardians but near enough to come pick up the student?
- Are the Alerts still true?
- Did I sign and date at the end of the form?
- (There is no need to edit School Aged Sibling Information, even if it does not list all the students in your family. This information is required only for Kindergarten priority registration.)
▢ Medical Action Plan forms (students with a Life Threatening Medical alert)
If your student has a Life Threatening Medical alert (on the Verification form above), please fill out any forms that apply:
- Anaphylaxis Emergency Action Plan
- Asthma Emergency Action Plan
- Seizure Emergency Action Plan and Seizure Action Plan and Medical Alert Information Care and Protocol
- Emergency Action Plan for other conditions
- Diabetes Support Plan and Medical Alert Information (For diabetes, please also fill out Emergency Action Plan)
Even if the condition is not life-threatening, we can keep medication at the office. Please fill out this form to tell us when and how we should give this medication to your student.
▢ Emergency Student(s) Reunification Authorization form (ALL students - One per family)
This form (yellow) is for use in case of an earthquake or another emergency that require students to be picked up. Please check:
- Only ONE form per family. (If you get more than one, please return the extra blank forms.)
- Adults' names must be the LEGAL name that they can show a government-issued ID for.
- Students' names must be the USUAL name that staff members and other students know them by.
- Do not fill out the gray areas. They will be used when the emergency happens.
▢ Volunteer Driver Registration and Approval form (all volunteer drivers)
The Volunteer Driver Registration and Approval form must be signed by anyone volunteering to drive students not their own (for team games or for field trips, for example). This way, the principal can check that the insurance of the car and the license of the driver are valid so that we can entrust the driver with students. If your student is getting a ride with another student's family for school activities, you can be sure that we checked! In addition to the form, please give us the following.
- A copy of the insurance of the car on the form, showing the Third Party Liability amount (page 2 if it's an ICBC one). The date must be valid.
- A copy of the Driver's license of the driver on the form. The date must be valid.