TREK students learn from the Suzuki family

VSB welcomes esteemed guests to inspire and educate students whenever possible. On Thursday, March 6, students, families and community members gathered in the auditorium at Prince of Wales Secondary. Dr. David Suzuki, an environmental activist and scientist, and Severn Cullis-Suzuki, a scientist and David Suzuki’s daughter, spoke to current and future TREK students, affectionally known as “Trekkies,” about the impact humans have on the planet.
TREK is a District outdoor leadership program that offers integrated learning opportunities for students. Based at Prince of Wales Secondary, TREK focuses on place-based education, active citizenship and outdoor experiences.
As young stewards of the land, students learn about their responsibility to cherish and protect the environment. Dr. Suzuki spoke to students about the importance of respecting our planet and the value of programs like TREK.
“We are nature. Whatever we do to her, we do it ourselves,” he says. “TREK teaches you to be more thoughtful about the world we live in.”
The Suzuki family has a long lineage in the TREK program. Severn Cullis-Suzuki was in the program when she was in secondary school. Today, her son, Ganhlaans, is a part of the program.
Leading up to Dr. Suzuki’s presentation, Cullis-Suzuki met with this year’s Trekkies to inspire ways they can protect the Earth.
“Right now, we need to find alternative ways of being. Ways of being that are sustainable and could lead to a viable future” says Cullis-Suzuki. “And luckily there are so many examples of humans doing this in the past! Not only in Canada, but around the world. There are traditional societies, Indigenous societies, who have maintained their connection to place.”
Cullis-Suzuki adds that colonialism has disrupted humans natural balance with the planet, but that “it’s actually a very human characteristic to live in harmony with the Earth.”
For many students, Dr. Suzuki and Cullis-Suzuki are environmental role models.
“It’s really inspiring to see people who have come out of TREK, become these great environmentalists. It shows that TREK is important,” says Jack, a Grade 10 student at Prince of Wales and TREK member. “David Suzuki is one of the biggest environmental activists. It’s important to see that he recognizes TREK as a meaningful program.”
Dr. Suzuki concluded his presentation with a question-and-answer period. He stressed the urgent need for environmental change, as Cullis-Suzuki called on TREK students to help make it happen.
“I hope TREK teaches you to love nature,” adds Dr. Suzuki. “Because love has to be the path to change.”