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Extended Absences

Extended Absence Policy

The staff and administration of Prince of Wales discourage families from taking extended absences for non-medical and non- emergency reasons. Students missing classes lose essential instruction. Extended or frequent absences (defined as four or more consecutive days during a semester course or eight or more consecutive days during a linear course) will create gaps in learning and may impact overall achievement.

If a student has an extended absence for non-emergency or other non-medical reasons (including family holidays), when and how missed learning is made-up is at the subject teacher’s discretion and will vary depending on the circumstances of each course. Teachers are not expected to reteach material; to provide work packages in advance; or to make special arrangements for missed work, including tests. The end of each semester is crucial for students as teachers finish required curricular standards; extended absences at the end of either semester may result in insufficient time to complete final assessments. A student and parents/guardians must assume responsibility for consequences resulting from missing school for an extended period. Families are expected to notify their child’s teachers, counsellor, and grade administrator in writing at least two weeks in advance of any extended absences.

If your child will be away for an extended period, please submit the completed extended absence form to the office.


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