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Reporting an Absence & Attendance Expectations

| Categories: Curriculum & Learning, Student Success, Curriculum & Learning, Student Success

Reporting Student Absences Procedure

Students no longer need to submit a paper note to the Main Office to report absences.

To have your child’s absence excused (whether for a timeframe known in advance or after the student has returned to school):

Email with the following info: 
-First and last name of student 
-Dates missed 
-Periods missed
-Reason for absence(s)

The email absence report will only be considered valid and therefore, processed, if it is received from a parent/guardian email on file.

The attendance record in MyEd will be adjusted to indicate that the home has excused the absence.  Students/Parents/Guardians are encouraged to contact their teachers directly in order to ensure students have the necessary work to not fall behind with their progress.

Attendance and Punctuality Expectations

Students are expected to attend all their classes, on time, prepared and ready to learn. If absent, students and families have a responsibility to connect with classroom teachers to obtain and make up work missed during the absence. 

Extended absences due to vacations and/or outside activities during school time are a parental decision. These absences can seriously impact a student’s achievement. An extended absence affects the ability of the student to demonstrate their learning.  This can be expected to be reflected in the assessment of the student's learning in the course. Whenever possible, vacation time should be taken when school is not in session.

Extended Absences

If an absence is for more than 3 consecutive days, parents/guardians are encouraged to contact your child’s grade counsellor and teachers to arrange for missed work to be assigned and/or determine a plan for catch-up upon their return.

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