Junior Learning Support Program
- Provides a small setting led by two teachers.
- Adapts curriculum to meet the learning needs of students.
- Covers the same learning objectives as regular grade 8 and 9 courses.
- Focuses on the development of student's skills in reading, writing and mathematics.
- Supports students in the academic subjects.
- Collaborates with parents/teachers for individual education plans (IEP) and progress.
- Students have regular PE and two elective courses outside of the LSP.
Grade 8
- English 8
- Social Studies 8
- Science 8
- Mathematics 8
- Tutorial
- Regular Physical Education (PE)
- Regular electives (2)
Grade 9
- Social Studies 9
- English 9
- Skills Development Center
- Mathematics 9 (Core or Regular)
- Science 9
- Regular PE and electives