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Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct - Updated June 2024

Code of Conduct / Code of Ethics and Honesty

GLADSTONE CODE OF CONDUCT-updated November 18, 2020


The school code of conduct applies at school, during school-organized or sponsored activities, on school buses, and any behaviour even if outside school or school hours (including on-line behaviour), that negatively impacts the safe, caring, or orderly environment of the school, and/or student learning.

A.             Statement of Purpose

Gladstone Secondary School is a diverse community comprised of students, parents and staff.  We strive to maintain a safe, caring, orderly and healthy environment.  The Gladstone community encourages and supports behaviours expected of responsible citizens so that everyone can achieve their goals and succeed.  We respect ourselves, each other, our school and our community.  Our Code of Conduct provides guidelines so that purposeful learning occurs and everyone’s needs are met.


B.              Expectations & Acceptable Conduct

All members of the Gladstone community have the right, under the BC Human Rights Code, to an environment that is free of discrimination, harassment, bullying, cyberbullying, intimidation and violence, either physical or psychological.  Students shall not discriminate against others on the basis of the race, religion, colour, ancestry, place of origin, marital status, family status, age, sex or sexual orientation, gender identity, or physical or mental disability, or for any other reason set out in the Human Rights Code of British Columbia, nor shall a student publish or display anything that would indicate an intention to discriminate against another, or expose them to contempt or ridicule, on the basis of any such grounds.

In order to maintain and enhance a positive learning environment, it is our responsibility while at school, engaged in any school related activities, and while going to and from school to ensure we conduct ourselves with courtesy, consideration, constructive behaviours, and common sense. 

Racism will not be tolerated in our school.

Racism is a belief, attitude, and practice that is based on a false assumption that a group of people can be categorised based on race, in particular by using skin colour as a criteria and that different races are superior or inferior to others.

School Property

  • respect the property and rights of others
  • keep the school building, cafeteria, grounds and adjacent areas clean and free of litter
  • refrain from smoking or vaping on school premises and grounds


  • report any threats or acts of violence, bullying, harassment, intimidation and discrimination toward students, staff or parents
  • park vehicles properly and drive carefully on and around school property
  • communicate in a respectful manner when using technology and social media and bring any concerns to a trusted member of the school community

Personal Responsibility 

  • spend free time effectively and constructively, making appropriate use of the cafeteria and hallways
  • arrive to class on time and prepared
  • communicate any absences to the school in advance if possible
  • use respectful language in the school and the school community
  • ensure all personal & borrowed property are stored securely (including books)
  • dress in such a way as not to distract, disturb, or offend others
  • refrain from wearing any drug and alcohol paraphernalia
  • refrain from using illegal substances and gambling during school time and/or school functions
  • refrain from making racist, sexist or violent comments or wearing associated clothing

Code of Academic Ethics and Honesty

Gladstone Secondary School is committed to excellence in learning which meets the highest standards of personal, ethical and moral conduct.  Any of the following actions would result in a breach of this standard.

  • Submitting another person’s work in part or in whole as their own
  • Failure to properly cite an outside source
  • Submitting the same assignment more than once
  • Cheating on tests, exams, quizzes or any other form of evaluation
  • Consciously assisting another student to attain marks fraudulently
  • Improper use of technology such as using cell phones, PDA’s, cameras, internet, headphones, electronic translators, etc. when not authorized.

Internet use Policy

The Internet was developed as a research tool and it has the potential to be a tremendous resource for students and teachers at all levels.  The use of an assigned account must be in support of educational research and within the objectives and goals Gladstone. You must realize that you are personally responsible for this provision at all times when using the electronic information.  

Cell Phones, and Other Electronic Devices

Students can access the “vsb-secured” Wi-Fi by using their student ID and password.  Electronic devices (cell phones, IPods, PSPs etc…) are allowed at Gladstone subject to the following rules and regulations:

Electronic devices are not to be used during instructional time, unless as part of an individual or group educational program as designed by a teacher.

Electronic devices are not to be used to record or photograph others in the school or on school property without previously receiving permission.

Inappropriate use of an electronic device will result in confiscation and later return of the device by the grade administrator.

C.             Unacceptable Student Conduct

When behaviours interfere with the learning of others, interfere with an orderly environment, or create unsafe conditions, there will be consequences.  The severity and frequency of unacceptable conduct as well as the age, maturity and special needs (if any) of individual students are considered in determining disciplinary action. Disciplinary action, wherever possible, is restorative rather than merely punitive.  As students move through successive grades and become older and more mature, they are expected to assume increased personal responsibility and self-discipline.

The principal or designate has a responsibility to inform other parties of serious breaches of the code of conduct.  These parties may include:  staff, parent(s) of student offender(s), parent(s) of student victim(s), school district officials, police and/or other agencies, as required by law and/or all parents.  The school will ensure that reasonable steps are taken to prevent retaliation against a student who has made a complaint of a breach of the Code of Conduct.

The following are examples of unacceptable behaviours.  This list is not all-inclusive.


No person may smoke in the school buildings, on the school grounds, or at any school sponsored function.  Disciplinary action is taken against students who break this policy.

Drugs and Alcohol

No student may be in possession of or under the influence of illegal or non-prescribed drugs or alcohol in the school, in the vicinity of the school, or at school sponsored functions.  Any infraction will be considered serious and will result in the immediate implementation of school and Board policies dealing with student discipline.  This may include possible suspension, withdrawal and transfer of the students involved.


Vandalism is a serious breach of students’ responsibility.  The School Act, Bill 67 (10), 1989 states:

If property of a board is destroyed, damaged, lost or converted by the intentional or negligent act of a student, the student and the student's parents are jointly and severally liable to the board in respect of the act of the student.

Violence and Weapons

The Vancouver Board of Education works hard to ensure that schools are safe places for students.  Board policy states that violence of any kind will not be tolerated.  Any form of violence or intimidation that threatens the health, safety and welfare of students is not acceptable.

Violence includes verbal, written, or physical threats, bullying, fighting and physical, emotional, or sexual abuse.  Weapons are defined as anything that is used with the intent to hurt or frighten someone.  Students are not permitted to have weapons.  Any student found with a weapon, involved in a violent act, or soliciting others to commit an act of violence will face disciplinary action.


The Vancouver Board of Education recognizes that every individual should be treated with respect and dignity and therefore has the right to be free from harassment in our schools and workplaces.  A positive and welcoming work and learning environment protects and promotes the self-esteem, worth, and human rights of every person and supports mutual respect and cooperation among individuals.  Any student involved in racial, ethno-cultural, religious, or sexual harassment in any form will face disciplinary action.


Students and parents expect schools to be safe, where students can learn and teachers can teach in a warm and welcoming place, free from bullying, intolerance and violence.

Bullying is a pattern of aggressive behaviour meant to hurt or cause discomfort to another person. Bullies always have more power than victims. Their power can come from physical size, strength, status, and support within the peer group.

There are three types of bullying:

  • physical, where a person is harmed or their property damaged
  • verbal, where a person’s feelings are hurt through insults and name-calling
  • social, where a person is shunned or excluded from groups and events.

Any student involved in bullying in any form will face disciplinary action.


The Vancouver Board of Education policy allows for VBE personnel, VBE elected officials and VBE students from other schools participating in sanctioned events to be at Gladstone.  All other persons who are visiting the school are to report to the office.  Anyone found on the premises who does not have an acceptable reason as listed above is liable to be charged under Section 177 of the School Act. 


The Code of Conduct includes the following statements: 

In accordance with the School Act, Sec. 85(2)(ii) and (d), the Board authorizes the Principal or designate of any school in the district to suspend a student from attendance at school for up to five days.

Suspensions may be for the following reasons:

a.     because a student is willfully and repeatedly disrespectful to a teacher or to any other employee of the Board carrying out responsibilities approved by the Board.

b.     because the behaviour of the student breaches the District Code of Conduct or policy and/or has a harmful effect on others or the learning environment of the school.

c.      because the student has failed to comply with the School Code of Conduct.

Suspensions over five days are made in consultation with the appropriate Director of Instruction as per District Policy (

What Should I Do If I…?

If you have been affected by, or know of others who have been affected by harassment, violence, weapons, drugs, or alcohol, it is important that you talk to a counsellor, teacher, administrator, school liaison officer, or anyone else in the school that you trust, so that others can help to solve the issue.

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