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Mini School - Enrichment Program

Academic Acceleration Program

Situated within Gladstone Secondary School, the Gladstone Mini School promotes leadership, service to school and community, and the willingness to tackle academic challenges. The Gladstone Mini School is a District program, open to students from across the city.

The Gladstone Mini School program is accelerated so that students complete their academic courses for three grade levels (8-10) over two years.  Acceleration in the junior grades allows opportunities for enrichment in the senior grades.

Because of acceleration, Mini School students are able to access more senior level electives to have a greater breadth of interests.  For example, spread over 3 senior years rather than two, students can take senior level physics, chemistry, biology, forensics and math classes and still have space in their timetable for dance, choir, theatre and/or visual arts. Spreading senior math and science classes over 3 years also helps reduce stress and increase balance in student lives.

Alternatively, students may choose to explore more deeply their particular areas of interest. Gladstone offers some Advance Placement courses and also supports students who independently wish to pursue AP programming. AP courses help prepare students for university coursework, and can even provide university credits.

Another possibility for Mini School students is to complete secondary school graduation requirements in four years, rather than the usual five years. In this scenario, students can start university early, take a gap year, work or complete an internship in a field of interest.   

In addition to the varied benefits that acceleration brings to students, Mini School students report that one of the aspects of the Mini School that they value the most is their peer group and the Mini School community.  The Mini School program attracts self-motivated students who are seeking additional academic challenge and leadership opportunities. Students enjoy active collaboration, peer support and strong community not only in their two accelerated years, but throughout their years together at Gladstone.

Gladstone Mini-School Info Session

An in-person information night will be on November 6th, 2024 at 6:00pm in the auditorium.

*Mini School Powerpoint presentation (from the information night on November 2024) found at the bottom of this page. 

Application Procedure

Mini School Admissions Procedure:

  1. Applicants must register with the District’s central mini school application registry between November 12, 2024 - December 19, 2024, by 3:00pm - link: 

    2. Applicants must also complete the Gladstone Mini School Application Package and deliver / mail it to Gladstone Secondary to be received before December 19th at 3:00 PM:

  • Please complete the application form here
  • Paper copies of the December Grade 7 report card and the June Grade 6 report card. 
  • A Personal Statement (MAX. 100 words; typed or hand-written) from the student explaining their reason for wanting to come to Gladstone. 

If you have questions, please email This email account will be checked regularly starting on November 12th, 2024.

Click here for the VSBs Secondary Programs including the Mini School Program.


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