Personal Digital Devices & Internet Use
Cell Phones, iPods and Other Electronic Devices
Electronic devices (cell phones, iPods, PDDs etc…) are allowed at Gladstone subject to the following rules and regulations:
Electronic devices are not to be used during instructional time, unless as part of an individual or group educational program as designed by a teacher.
Electronic devices are not to be used to record or photograph others in the school or on school property without previously received permission.
Inappropriate use of an electronic device will result in confiscation and later return of the device by the grade administrator.
Internet use Policy
The Internet was developed as a research tool and it has the potential to be a tremendous resource for students and teachers at all levels. The use of an assigned account must be in support of educational research and within the objectives and goals Gladstone. You must realize that you are personally responsible for this provision at all times when using the electronic information.