General School Policies and Procedures
Lockers are the property of Gladstone Secondary School. Grade 8, 9, 10 and 11 students are assigned lockers. Grade 12 students may select their lockers through their grad committee in August. Students are to use only their assigned lockers and are not to share lockers. Lockers should be left in the condition received. It is the students’ responsibility to ensure both gym and school lockers are secured with a sturdy lock.
*Neither the school nor the Vancouver Board of Education has insurance to cover the loss by theft or damage of personal property of students or teachers.
*Although supervision by staff and the cooperation of students decreases the possibility of theft, students are advised to leave valuables at home and to ensure that personal property left in the school is covered by their own insurance.
*Any thefts from lockers should be reported to the office.
Government and School Issued Textbooks
All textbooks required for regular courses are supplied without a rental fee. Students are required to:
- write their names on the book label inside the cover
- take good care of all books issued
- refrain from marking or defacing books in any manner
- pay for a lost book as soon as the loss is discovered and a replacement book will be issued
- return all books at the end of the school year or when withdrawing from the school and pay any assessment required due to damage to texts.
The Gladstone Secondary School annual is many things, including:
- a historic document of a year in the life of the school and school district
- a memento of the school year
- a documentation of the accomplishments of the students and staff
- a celebration of school life
- an artistic creation of the students and staff responsible for the project
- a reflection of the values of Gladstone Secondary and the Vancouver Board of Education
The annual belongs to all the students of Gladstone, current, past, and future. It is a document that is broadly shared throughout the community and one that forms an important part of the school’s achievement. Therefore, the following guidelines were developed to maintain a standard which reflects the values and ideals of Gladstone Secondary School.
Must be written in standard English prose and follow the standard rules of capitalization, punctuation, and grammar. Initials, abbreviations, codes, slangs, and slurs are not permitted.
Must meet the criteria of respect for all people and the Student Code of Conduct.
Must be respectful and in good taste. No offensive or suggestive poses or gestures will be included.
Grad Write-ups
- Must be transparent and comprehensible to anyone who reads them.
- Use of languages other than English or French is not acceptable.
- These guidelines will be reviewed each year by staff, students, and PAC.
- The Principal has the ultimate responsibility for the annual.