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Student Council

Every possible opportunity is given to students at Gladstone to govern their own activities.  Activities sponsored by the students’ council include:  canned food drives, dances, charity fund-raising and noon hour entertainment.  The Students’ Council is made up of an executive and grade representatives.  Two Grade 8 representatives will be elected at the beginning of the school year. Students' Council members encourage and direct student activities.  They are a group of elected students who are committed to serving and organizing a number of activities.  This student body represents school spirit. 

School Dances

School dances are sponsored by the Students' Council and are supervised by the staff.  These dances are for Gladstone students only.  To be eligible to attend, students must have paid the Students' Council fee.  Tickets must be signed when purchased and are non-transferrable. School rules are in effect.  If students leave the dance, they will not be readmitted.  A school ID must be shown at the doors, accompanied by a ticket, in order to be permitted entry. Students will not be permitted to attend school dances if the have an unexcused absence on the day of the dance.

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