Courses taught by VSB teachers:
Having a great teacher makes all the difference. All our courses are taught by skilled, Vancouver School Board (VSB) teachers. These teachers are available to support VLN students with their learning.
Courses approved by BC Ministry of Education:
As a VSB school, VLN courses can be used toward a British Columbia Dogwood or Adult Graduation Certificate. Coursework is provided to students based on the BC curriculum and is assessed by VSB teachers. VLN offers an elementary and secondary program with 90+ secondary level courses, including Advanced Placement courses.
For a list of available courses, view the Course List.
How do I retake a course?
If you have completed a VLN course and have received a final mark, you can take the course again immediately to upgrade your mark.
If you withdrew from a VLN course without completing it, and you want to start the same course again, you must wait at least 9 months from the date you first started the course.
Please complete the Course Repeat Form and email to: